BFF was over yesterday and I loved the snack cup she had for her LO. It looked similar to this, but wasn't exactly the same. It had a lid that attached to it with a clip or something, that could be clipped on to the base of the cup. Bad description, I know... but if anyone knows what this is please let me know! She can't remember and got it as a baby shower gift last summer!
Re: Looking for a specific snack cup
The one you linked is the one we have. They work just fine for us.
However, I was super tempted to get these ones we saw at BBB this weekend. I just tried looking for them online but couldn't find them though. If you have one, go look there.
Buy Buy Baby? It's new to our area (finally!) so when I see BBB I automatically think Bed Bath.
Maybe I'll stop there this weekend. I've been meaning to check it out, but it's not close
I know you're trying to find a specific kind that your friend had but if you can't find it, I highly recommend the one below. The one you linked has a top that came off too easily, IMO. This one screws on and DD loves it. It is kind of bigger in size and pricey but I think it's worth it! Just a suggestion if you can't find the one you're looking for.
I think I found it!!
(Needless to say I'm not being productive at work today!!)
Thanks for sharing. We need good snack cup
BFF swears by it. the lid helps keep the food fresh, and she likes that the lid stays attached. Also on amazon too!
Walmart has them in a 2 pack! Just got T a set a week or so ago!
Awesome, thanks!
I've been doing this, but I need something that he can reach in to on his own. I'm sick of being grocery shopping and having to hand him the T&T container with stuff in it. Granted, I know I'll be picking this one up every aisle, at least he can feed himself!
Paci clip that sucker to the cart
I would have never thought of that. We haven't used a paci since January so I don't even know if we have any clips anymore!