is a place for anyone in the waiting-to-adopt phase to check in.
Lurkers welcome! Whether you're still checking out different agencies
and programs or you're bringing your child home tomorrow, this is for
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? Ages?
2) In what phase of the process are you?
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
4) How are you feeling this week?
5) QOTW: What did you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family?TTC September 2010 thru October 2011
SA February 2011: Normal
RE App. October 2011 - Recc. Clomid and IUI
Taking a break from TTC to pursue adoption
Met our 2 year old son in Russia July 2012!
Court trip October 2012
Home November 24 2012!
Back to RE Summer 2013. TTC journey continues:
Dx DOR, endometriosis, low sperm count
Clomid + IUI#1, #2 = BFN / IUI #3 = ???
Laparoscopy scheduled December 2013
Re: Waiting to adopt check in- 09/03
I'm going to a picnic at my mother-in-laws this afternoon. I hope this is the last baby-less labor day
5) QOTW: What did you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family?
My Labor Day celebration is being lazy and doing some extra cleaning since it's a three day weekend. I do feel like it's my last Labor Day before a placement. I was told to be ready this weekend, so it's just a matter of time!
6 home inseminations=BFN
June 2012-Decided to give up TTC and started the process to adopt from foster care!
Aspiring SMBC Blog
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? Ages?
Adoption from Foster Care, 0-3ish
2) In what phase of the process are you?
Very beginning - research and reading
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
I finished reading "One Small Boat" a personal story by a foster mom about her foster and adoption experiences - very good, she is such a good writer
4) How are you feeling this week?
Pretty good : )
5) QOTW: What did you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family?
We went to a museum, very fun! I don't think we'll have a new addition by next Labor Day, but I guess it could happen!
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? Ages?
IA from Uganda; younger than DS
2) In what phase of the process are you?
waiting on our 171H - I want it to come nooowwwww. But I don't expect it to.
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
4) How are you feeling this week?
Whale (imagine that as a "well" in a southern accent), I just got freaked out by a woman who's adopting from Uganda with a different agency. They were originally told 6 months, then at 6 months they were told another 6 months, and now they're at a year of waiting and they're still only #6 on the wait list. I don't know if they're wanting a baby or if the baby's home is really small, or what's going on. I'm just now kind of afraid of waiting more than twice as long as the agency estimates - I don't think I can do that!
you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family?
I hope it's our last labor day without baby A, but we'll see. IA is unpredictable, especially in countries like Uganda.Application approved Dec '11
Mar '12: Homestudy interrupted by change in Uganda requirements - where do we go from here?
After searching and searching, back with Uganda but with our homestudy agency's program.
Homestudy complete July 19
USCIS I-600A submitted July 20. Biometrics appointments arrived Aug 17; fingerprinted Aug 21; 171H received Sept 25th. On the wait list Oct 1st: #18. By Jan 25th, we're #13!
Come home, baby A!
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? Ages? Domestic Infant Adoption
2) In what phase of the process are you? Matched, waiting for our baby to arrive
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? I am pretty excited that our BM is starting to be very responsive and helpful. I was worried we might not hear from her again until she went into labor but we've had several e-mails back and forth the past few days.
4) How are you feeling this week? I am feeling very anxious and excited. I can't believe our baby is due in 2 weeks. Mostly I can't wait, but part of me is overwhelmed by the process and worrying things won't go as planned.
5) QOTW: What did you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family? If this match works out, this will be our last childless Labor Day! I have already been thinking about how my next Halloween, my next Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc..I will have a baby!1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? Ages?
Foster 0-6
2) In what phase of the process are you?
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
Placement of 5 week old little boy.
4) How are you feeling this week?
Last almost 48 hrs...sleepy...LOL
5) QOTW: What did you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family?
We have had several family stop by to see little J. DH's aunt is bringing dinner. Thank goodness.
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? Ages?
Domestic infant
2) In what phase of the process are you?
Pre home study
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
Got the first on many clearances back in the mail this week!
4) How are you feeling this week?
A little sad... Spent the weekend with family, and now I am sad tha we live so far away from them. Boo! We have to pay off a lot of edu debt before we can move, so I have to be patient for 5 or 6 years...
5) QOTW: What did you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family?
Got some pics taken of DD and my nephew for my mom & dad... Hung out with my sisters and cousin at the mall, and then drove back to the 'burgh... 4 hours on the Turnpike!
Our Adoption Blog & Fundraising Efforts
Heading to China in November 2014 to bring our son home!
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? Ages?
Domestic infant adoption
2) In what phase of the process are you?
Homestudy approved 6/28 and final version of our dear birthmother letter was approved. We're waiting for them to approve the hard-copy proof of our letter so we can be actively waiting.
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
The final version of our letter was approved last week!
4) How are you feeling this week?
Impatient. I'm happy that we finally have a finalized copy of our letter but I just wish this would have happened 2 months ago. I'm finding it so hard to be patient because I feel like the agency had drawn out this process for WAY too long.
5) QOTW: What did you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family?
We went to Boston this weekend and came back today. We haven't been back since we moved back to NY 6 months ago so it was nice to see some friends and eat at some of our favorite restaurants. I do feel like we'll have a little one by next Labor Day but, obviously, we have no idea!
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? Ages? International / Russia / 2 y.o boy
2) In what phase of the process are you? Just got our court date assigned!! We will be traveling back to Russia the second week of October!! (second of three trips)
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? See #2
4) How are you feeling this week?Great since we got our court date! We bought our flight tickets right away and have just about finished securing our accommodations. Everything is moving right along.
5) QOTW: What did you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family? We did some house projects and went downtown for a coffee and a stroll. There is a splash pad downtown where we live and DH and I both remarked about how we can't wait to take our little man there next summer to play!TTC September 2010 thru October 2011
SA February 2011: Normal
RE App. October 2011 - Recc. Clomid and IUI
Taking a break from TTC to pursue adoption
Met our 2 year old son in Russia July 2012!
Court trip October 2012
Home November 24 2012!
Back to RE Summer 2013. TTC journey continues:
Dx DOR, endometriosis, low sperm count
Clomid + IUI#1, #2 = BFN / IUI #3 = ???
Laparoscopy scheduled December 2013
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? Ages? Adoption from foster care, 2 sibs under 5
2) In what phase of the process are you? Finally approved offically! On our 2nd call!
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? We are on our second "call." Sadly, we had to say no to the 1st call. This call is about a 1 and 3 year old! We also looked at a daycare, and had a car seat demonstration at the police department.
4) How are you feeling this week?Feeling really positive!
5) QOTW: What did you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family? Had a BBQ at the IL's. There were lots of kids there. Hopefully we will have 2 at the next one.3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? I made it through a 3 day vacay at the beach with 2couples, their toddlers and one announcing expecting #2 w/out losing it. Lol. It's still hard to stomach the pregnancy announcements even after 4 yrs of trying, IF and waiting...4) How are you feeling this week? So-so. Frustrated, little sad. Being around such fertile people brings back a little feeling of loss. But also grateful for my hubby. We've been through a ton and I couldnt do it w/out him.5) QOTW: What did you do for labor day celebrations? Anyone have a feeling like this was your last labor day before a new addition is welcomed into your family? Beach w/ hubby and friends. I hope this is my last Labor day w/out kids!