
Getting induced tonight...

I just had my amnio (my hospital's policy is if it is before 38 weeks, they require it- turns out the amnio wasn't as bad as I thought it would be- I refused to look at the needle though so I think that helped) and as long s everything looks good, I get to check into the hospital tonight at midnight to get induced. I have been incredibly uncomfortable throughout the pregnancy (especially these last few weeks), could barely walk, am super swollen and developed PUPPP on my belly (which sounds cute, but in reality is the most awful thing- think chicken pox on fire). I haven't posted too much on the boards, but am always reading everyone's advice and appreciate how supportive everyone always is. I am hoping for a vaginal delivery (as of now the presenting baby is head down and the other is breech, so I know there is a possibility of the dreaded double whammy, but I am really hoping all goes well and everyone cooperates. I am signing off for now, but will update once I am back home. Thanks again for your support throughout this crazy pregnancy!!!
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