June 2011 Moms

IF update - loss mentioned

So I have news to report but it's not all good. It's a long story but I'll give you the condensed version:

My FET was 3 weeks ago now and everything went very smoothly. My first beta was 2 weeks ago and it came back positive at 135, 2 days later the numbers were increasing (415) and everything looked great. And then I started bleeding very heavily last Thursday - I didn't have any cramping prior but once the bleeding started I was in a lot of pain. I went in for more blood work on Friday and my levels were still looking pretty good (3000), they had me continue all my meds and return again 2 days later on Sunday. The miscarriage was confirmed Sunday, my beta was back down to 700 - the loss began on Thursday which put me at 5w4d.

We still have 2 embryos left, which we will try, but they are the weakest of the bunch so we're not getting our hopes up. 

2 years ago we weren't sure we could have any children, we are so lucky and grateful that we were able to have DS. We are leaning towards not doing another fresh cycle, it's a lot of time and energy (and restrictions on activity) and I'd rather enjoy my time with Daniel right now.

So (as much as I hate this saying) it is what it is. Thank you all so much for your support!!

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