Orange County Babies

Doctor Recommendations Please!

Looking to possibly switch my son's pediatrician. We currently go to a male Dr. in the St. Jude Heritage group. I like the St. Jude Heritage facility though, everything is new and modern equipment. Looking for someone in the Anaheim Hills/Yorba Linda area and someone that genuinely cares and has a lot of experience with different issues, especially low birth weight babies & toddlers.

Would also appreciate a recommendation for a family/general practice doctor for myself and husband. Again prefer the Anaheim Hills/Yorba Linda area. 


Re: Doctor Recommendations Please!

  • Did you find a good pediatrician? We are moving to YL in 2 weeks from AZ and I am looking for one. Also, any OBGYN recs? Thanks!
  • I love my OB. My daughter was born 6/29 and I was very thankful to have him there with me. He is in Orange at St. Josephs. His name is Michael Linzey. He has done 13000 he thinks?? :) Either way he has been around a long time and specializes in high risk pregnancies. Check him out! ;) 
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