June 2011 Moms

Would you call the pedi?

First off, I hesitate because I feel like I'm always calling them "just in case" and they always want me to come in instead of just giving advice over the phone and telling me what to watch for. Then we get there and there's nothing wrong with DD and they just chock what ever's going on up to teething. I appreciate that they'd rather be safe than sorry but it's always the receptionist that wants me to come in and then I worry that the pedi thinks I'm this over-worried mom that can't handle anything on her own. Maybe something stupid to worry about, but still, it bothers me.

That being said, I'm wondering yet again if I should call them "just in case". For the latter half of last week, Emma was terribly cranky, throwing all sorts of fits for what seemed like no reason. Everything else was normal. Then she woke from her afternoon nap on Friday with a temp of 102.6. After almost 24 hours of tylenol with pretty much no change in her temp, I asked the pharmacist for advice when I went to get one of my prescriptions refilled. She said ibuprofen may work better so I got some of that and gave it to her when her tylenol dose was up. We gave her a bath and some chicken soup for dinner and she was back to her normal self - really good mood, eating well, smile-ly, chatty, and most importantly, her fever went back to normal. She stayed back to normal until yesterday afternoon when she went back to being really cranky again with a slightly lower fever, hanging around 101.3 this time. Another dose of the ibuprofen and that was it for her fever. It hasn't come back. But then this morning she's still incredibly cranky, falling down a lot again and now she's started this occasional cough that's been worst while she's currently napping. No fever though. Oh, and she's had a few really messy diapers this weekend.

I don't know what's going on but I also don't know that the pedi would be able to say it's anything more than teething. I'm about 90% certain she's not teething right now. And really, I'm just having a really hard time handling the crankiness. I'm losing my patience and it's been almost a week of being home with Miss Crankipants. She went to daycare for the first time last Tuesday and it almost feels like she just doesn't want to be with me anymore Sad She's supposed to go back tomorrow and I'm worried they'll call me in the middle of the day to tell me she really is sick and has to be picked up. I'm stressed and I hate that she's not been feeling or acting like herself lately! But I'm still not sure the pedi would be able to offer any help...and a little worried they'll question why I didn't call sooner. It's so hard to know what the right thing to do is sometimes!

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Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers
DD born 5/15/11
DS born 11/12/12

Re: Would you call the pedi?

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    And now I feel like a bad mom if someone else went to the ER for a similar fever...guess I'll be calling the pedi. Hope everything's fine with your LO Dana...
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    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers
    DD born 5/15/11
    DS born 11/12/12
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    My old pedi said a fever over 102 is NOT a teething fever.  But with the same breath said it is most likely a virus and there is no need to bring LO in as long as the fever can be controlled with a Tylenol and ibuprofen alternation and is not in excess of 5 days.

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    Right before a tooth pops through, Audrey tends to run fever and be cranky for a few days.  In my medically uneducated opinion, I'd just keep alternating between Tylen and Ibuprofen.  My friend who is an NP said you can give one before the other's time limit is up.  Does that make sense?  For instance, try IBP in the morning when she wakes up, the Tylenol around lunch (even if it hasn't been 8 hours since she had her IB which will be wearing off) then give another dose of IB before bed.

    I would try this for at least a day or two and see how she does.  If she is getting any of her back teeth, well, let's just say those are total b!tches.  At least they were for A.

    Also.  This is probably a "duh, why are you even mentioning this" comment, but just in case, make sure you aren't taking her temp right after a nap/any sleep.  It will be higher then.

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    My old pedi said a fever over 102 is NOT a teething fever.


    Most pedis will also tell you that teething does not cause fever.  They'll say that there must be some secondary infection.  Well, I think it's funny that every time she gets a tooth, she gets a fever.  Occasionally over 102, but never for more than a few days of fever total.


    Maybe it's just coincidence.  Idk.  My mother's intuition tells me otherwise.


    OP, when you call can you not leave a message for the nurse?  Do you have to talk to the receptionist?  If I've ever called, I don't even bother with the receptionist.

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    It really does sound like teething to me, but even if it's not, best the pedi is going to be able to do is say "You're right, she has a virus. Keep doing what you're doing"

    The only exception would be an ear infection or something? Is she pulling at her ears?

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    Yeah, ditto what kimbo said, when I call the pedi I talk to a nurse.  That way I know that they really think I should come in or not. 

    Maybe some of the crankiness is from starting daycare and just getting used to a new routine?

    I think I would call and just find out what their "rule of thumb" is for a fever.  I can't remember what the numbers were, but when I called the first time LO had a fever, they said they are only concerned if it is a certain temp and/or lasts for a certain number of days.

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     but when I called the first time LO had a fever, they said they are only concerned if it is a certain temp and/or lasts for a certain number of days.

    yep that is what mine said.  Uncontroled fever over 102 or 103 (I can't remember which one) for 5 days.

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    And now I feel like a bad mom if someone else went to the ER for a similar fever...guess I'll be calling the pedi. Hope everything's fine with your LO Dana...
    Thanks, I hope your DD is back to her self soon too. We did go to the ER, but left after almost 2 hours of waiting w/o seeing a doc. My pedi called while we were waiting and said to just go in this morning, so that's what we are about to do. Please update if you go to / call the Dr. Oh, and you're obviously a great mom!
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    Thanks for input ladies. I called and when I answered "what are her symptoms" with "well, on Friday, she developed a temp of 102.6...", that's as far as I got before the lady (who - whom?- I assume to be "just" a receptionist and not a nurse) asked if we could come in for an appt. in an hour and half. I said yes to be on the safe side and I'll be sure to bring up the hastiness to schedule an appt. with the pedi. I've never thought of asking to speak with a nurse instead, I've just always assumed the person answering the phone and scheduling appt. should have a good sense of whether or not we should come in. Our appt. is in a half hour now so I should get going, I'll let you know what the pedi thinks. Thanks again Smile
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    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers
    DD born 5/15/11
    DS born 11/12/12
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    Thanks for input ladies. I called and when I answered "what are her symptoms" with "well, on Friday, she developed a temp of 102.6...", that's as far as I got before the lady (who - whom?- I assume to be "just" a receptionist and not a nurse) asked if we could come in for an appt. in an hour and half. I said yes to be on the safe side and I'll be sure to bring up the hastiness to schedule an appt. with the pedi. I've never thought of asking to speak with a nurse instead, I've just always assumed the person answering the phone and scheduling appt. should have a good sense of whether or not we should come in. Our appt. is in a half hour now so I should get going, I'll let you know what the pedi thinks. Thanks again Smile
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    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers
    DD born 5/15/11
    DS born 11/12/12
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    A fever without any other symptoms, I would venture to say Roseola. We dealt with it 2 weeks ago...Fever of 102-104 for 4 days. No other symptoms beside irritability/crankiness, which is not really a symptom of illness, but a symptom of the fever. It is completely harmless, just obnoxious and frustrating. He finally ended up with the rash on day 5, which is harmless. Hope you get some good news!
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