I am a big fan of wool for my daughter (14 months) However, I've never CDed a NB. The concept of wool seems reasonable for a NB but I wonder if it's actually practical with the explosive poops and frequent changes. Just wondering if anyone has done it successfully? What did you use underneath it? Fitteds?
Re: Anyone use wool with a NB?
We started with prefolds, but he peed through them from 1 week. So I tried hemp doublers, then he hit 9 pounds and could wear his sister's Monkey Snuggles that have shrunk some. Now he's wearing KL0s and prefolds with hemp doublers during the day and the Monkey Snuggles folded down and SBish snapless multisize folded down during naptime and overnight.
His little bum looks so much clearer (it was red a lot while in the PUL covers) wearing wool and we get the added benefit of wool saving his clothes.