December 2011 Moms

What counts as babbling?

E has been making some consonant sounds since early on; he started saying "agoo" all the time at 3 months, but he still doesn't repeat sounds like "babababa." He does make lots of consonant sounds like "buh," "heh," "hi," "gee," "guh," "juh," "muh," "duh," etc but doesn't really repeat them, and rarely ends his syllables with the classic "ah" sound.. So what is this classified as? What kinds of sounds are your LOs making now?

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Re: What counts as babbling?

  • DS was doing what your LO does until about 2 weeks ago. Now he will sit there and say "bababbabababababa" for like 5 minutes straight. He has just started doing "yayayyayaya" and "dadadada" recently. He will start off just saying it and by the end he is practically yelling it. It's pretty funny.
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  • Funny, he just started doing babababa 3 hours ago :)
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