My intro post! I read somewhere back while I was lurking that intro posts aren't necessary, but I was feeling like a creeper. I'll keep it short.
Been on TB since last summer. I posted on TTGP and June 2012 sporadically, but mostly posted on TN. No home board, but primarily PC&E before they all moved over to pro boards.
I live in MA with my DH and two month old DS. I work in a leadership position in insurance (excitement!) but I'm currently on maternity leave. My SN doesn't have anything to do with the Twilight books or movies, as I hate them, but I'm too attached to my admittedly still meager post count to change it. I've been lurking and think this is a really interesting board with smart people, so you may see some posts from me here and there.
Re: Not related to chick fil a at all!
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv