Cloth Diapering

What's the difference between...

Flip diapers and Bum Genius pocket diapers?  Aren't they made by the same company? What am I missing?
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Re: What's the difference between...

  • Flip and BumGenius are both made by cotton babies.

    Cotton Babies, however, make a lot of different styles of CDs, Flip.. BG 4.0 (the one you are talking about), BG Freetime, and BG Elemental..

    BG 4.0 is a pocket diaper- you stuff an insert into a PUL/ suede cloth cover. You need to replace the entire diaper each time you change.

    Flip is a hybrid diaper- It's a cover that you need to put some sort of absorbency into. You can choose disposable, organic, or suede cloth lined. You can just take out the insert and wipe down and reuse the cover.

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