October 2015 Moms

Anatomy Ultrasound Pics!

Have you had your Anatomy Scan and now have a beautiful pic of the baby to be!?  Please post below along with any stats they may have given you....
Sex?  (if you found out or got to)
Is the baby measuring earlier or later?
How was the experience?
Excited to see everyone's pics!


Re: Anatomy Ultrasound Pics!

  • I can't wait for mine, it won't be until around 26 weeks! That's so sweet about your husband, that's one of my favorite parts of our previous ultrasounds was just watching my husband's reactions.
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  • Congratulations. That is so awesome. I'm counting the days until June 4th for our scan. Looking forward to seeing everyone else's!
  • RikdollRikdoll member
    We got an elective scan at 16 weeks, found out it's a Girl! Everything went well minus a small spot they found in her heart but after another appt at 19 weeks they said the spot wasn't anything to be concerned about. First was our 16 week US second was 19 week 2 day one.
  • It's so interesting how each experience is different! I didn't expect to know weight! How do the even know! Just based on measurements?

  • Im having a boy. I went at 19 weeks and 6 days. He is 12oz. And has the most perfect nose.
  • Had our anatomy scan on Thursdsy at 19 weeks 5 days.
  • Weight: 11oz (both twins)
    Measuring: twin a 19 weeks 3 days & twin b 19 weeks 1 day. I am actually 21 weeks today.
    Sex: both girls ❤️
  • Found out it's a girl :) 
    imageVincent Julian born on March 27th, 2013 DX with Down Syndrome image
      BabyFruit Ticker
  • aah1013aah1013 member
    @FudgeTwins , pics are adorable, but you may want to remove your full name/personal info from the ultrasounds. There are crazies out there!
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  • Here's my 20 week anatomy scan. Liam Joseph (: !!
  • Weight? 11 ounces
    Sex?  It's a GIRL!
    Is the baby measuring earlier or later? Measuring right on target. 
    How was the experience? Fantastic and way quicker than I expected. It only took a total of maybe 10-15 minutes. The tech obviously loved her job and was excited to tell us the sex - she said we were the first ones all day who wanted to know and it's her favorite part of the job :)

  • Oh, and here's a picture of her waving at us!
  • aah1013aah1013 member

    Weight? 14oz (21w 1d)

    Sex? Girl

    Is the baby measuring earlier or later? She's right on track except her limbs, they were about 1 1/2 weeks ahead!

    How was the experience? Great!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • We're having a boy!! Had the ultrasound at 18 weeks exactly. He's 10 oz and a week ahead in length. It was a great experience, but we had a scare when they found an echogenic focus on the baby's heart. We had genetic blood test done and he's healthy!!
  • My little princess at 19 weeks exactly. She weighs 9oz. Ladies you should really crop out your names and personal information on your lovely pictures
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • lWeight? 8oz at 17 weeks
    Sex? (if you found out or got to) a precious little boy
    Is the baby measuring earlier or later?the baby is measuring 9 days ahead
    How was the experience?it was beautiful , this little boy is so active , he kept hiding his face with his hand and sucking on his thumb so happy my munchkin is doing so well in there ☺️

  • Today was our scan. I am 18w 4d but the tech said we were measuring 19w1d. The baby is 6-7in long and 9 oz. we did not find out the sex because we didn't want to. The profile picture you can almost see the baby sucking it's thumb. And I tried to also post a picture of the baby's feet but not sure it'll make it. It was the best experience. They let my husband back there the whole time and she explained everything. It was definitely 45 minutes at least. Such a blessing to watch our baby. Definitely cried at our healthy baby. So grateful.
  • Look at their feet!!
  • 10 oz at 19 weeks and she is still a girl :) we found out at 15 weeks .. Our sweet baby Violet ❤️
  • hi guys. I am at 21 week, last week I did scan, all the organs looks good but dr said he found CPC in his head. I might need to do amniocentes test if it doesnt appear in three weeks. so worried about that. has anyone experienced it???
  • @Shahrzadir There's a couple threads on page 3 with cyst questions.  Here's the link to one...

    Hopefully you'll find some answers there and everything's ok!


  • 3D one was my little girl at 19 weeks, and the anatomy scan was done at 20 weeks - she is measuring a week ahead so I could possibly either have a large baby or she could come early! They wouldn't change the due date unless she was 10 days ahead, so rather than Oct 13, her due date would be Oct 6 :)
  • leah665leah665 member
    Just went today at 19w4d, baby is measuring right on time at 11oz. Still representing team green!image
  • Went in today! Found out it's a GIRL! She was crazy in there. I'll have to go back because the tech couldn't get all the measurements that she needed.
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