Have you had your Anatomy Scan and now have a beautiful pic of the baby to be!? Please post below along with any stats they may have given you....
Sex? (if you found out or got to)
Is the baby measuring earlier or later?
How was the experience?
Excited to see everyone's pics!
Re: Anatomy Ultrasound Pics!
Weight? 13oz.
Sex? We are waiting until birth
Is the baby measuring earlier or later? On schedule
How was the experience? It was great! We loved seeing the Lo on the screen. It was funny to watch the baby shake when they shook my belly to try to get him/her to move! We weren't expecting to get a 3d shot so that was a cute surprise!
Edit* they didn't tell us the weight, but told us he is bigger and more developed then they usually see at 18 weeks !
Here he is waving hi!!! :x
He looks just like I did at that age haha
Sex? (if you found out or got to) GIRL!
Is the baby measuring earlier or later? Right on track.
How was the experience? It was fine. Having to lay in awkward almost-on-my-side positions for long stretches while the tech meausured every inch of baby girl's skull and legs and arms was uncomfortable, but getting to see her active and healthy was awesome.
DH and DS were there, and DH had to take DS out in the hallway because he was getting restless, but they got to find out the sex with me.
Also, at the beginning of the ultrasound, she turned her head to face us and lifted one hand like she was waving. I told DS she was saying "hi big brother!"
I do know he spent the entire half hour either spinning or standing on his head, so our picture is crazy and upside down. And he held his penis the whole time, so there's that... Lol.
Measuring: twin a 19 weeks 3 days & twin b 19 weeks 1 day. I am actually 21 weeks today.
Sex: both girls ❤️
Rachel and Jeff Married 5.29.05
Jason is 8
Elizabeth is 6
Katherine is 18 months
19 week ultra sound.
Have to go Monday to check a couple things they couldnt see due to her being curled up in this ball. Haha
Weight? 14oz (21w 1d)
Sex? Girl
Is the baby measuring earlier or later? She's right on track except her limbs, they were about 1 1/2 weeks ahead!
How was the experience? Great!
Sex? (if you found out or got to) a precious little boy
Is the baby measuring earlier or later?the baby is measuring 9 days ahead
How was the experience?it was beautiful , this little boy is so active , he kept hiding his face with his hand and sucking on his thumb so happy my munchkin is doing so well in there ☺️