I'm trying to get my mind off of the CFA thing and all of the bigots on my FB feed...
Which name do you like more, your married name or your maiden name? Did you keep your maiden name? Did you drop your maiden name altogether or make it your middle name? Do you feel like you "own" your married name yet?
I have a friend that told me she was considering asking her boyfriend to take HER last name if they got married! B/c she's an attorney and her established name is important with clients...plus her father didn't have any sons and her boyfriend (at the time, now fiance) was never close to his father so why should he care about his last name. I can't wait to hear how that discussion goes. lol
Re: Married names
I took H's last name, but I prefer my maiden name. I still sometimes forget and say my maiden name as my last name. So, I do not feel like I "own" it yet. And we'll be celebrating our 5 year anniversary in October.
My middle name is what I go by so I had no choice but to drop my maiden name, but I would have kept it and made it my mn if I could have.
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I like both my maiden and married names equally.
I took my husband's last name, and dropped my maiden name. I sometimes wish I had kept it as a second middle name, as my maiden name ends with my sister and I.
I feel like I "own" my married name. It took about six months, but I feel comfortable with it now.
Neither my married name nor my maiden name are spelled the way they sound, but my married name is the easier of the two. My maiden name is now my middle.
I absolutely love my married last name. It's one syllable, which is great and it's also the last name of the main character on a popular TV series, so it's an interesting conversation starter.
I really disliked my maiden name. It is also a boys first name so I was constantly getting called by it...because apparently Jessica is a common last name? smh. It was 3 syllables and looked ugly in cursive too. lol. That sounds really dumb but it mattered to me.
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv
I had absolutely no desire to change my name, so I didn't. Not only that, but our son has both last names.
We didn't plan it that way, but in the hospital they referred to him as "Baby MyLast" and it stuck. But we also wanted him to have his father's name, so we ended up naming him First Middle MyLast HisLast.
It's super confusing for people, but I like that it made my ILs mad, so it's a win-win.
People can't pronounce either my maiden or my married so it didn't make that much of a difference to me. They're both crazy German names.
The social security woman who I submitted my paperwork to tried to make me feel bad for ditching my maiden name and keeping my middle name. She told me I was slapping my father in the face. She was a peach.
FWIW, I love my dad but he's the one who alway told me I should take my husband's name because in his words "it nice for kids when the whole family has the same last name" I think he might have been bitter because my mom kept her name (which was actually her married name from her first marriage, so yeah)
Always Sunny's back b-tches!
I much, much, much prefer my maiden name. It's super Greek and very unique and it just goes with my name better. DH's last name sounds awful with my first name. A lot of the same letters.
I hyphenated. I did it because I thought it would be better for when we had kids, so I could keep my name but also share a name with my future child. It was a huge mistake, seriously. I hate having a hyphenated name, and wish I would have just stuck with my maiden (DH didn't care either way).
I didn't change my name so I prefer my last name as it is. I believe it is every woman's choice to change or keep her name. My kids have a hyphenated name and my future kids will as well. (new husband so all the kids will have my last name in common)
EDIT MY mom changed her name when she got married because she was raised to think she didn't have a choice but even after almost 40 years of marriage she still prefers her maiden name. I love her maiden name so I also wish she would have either kept it or hyphenated it so I could have had it. I like the connection to both sides of the family.
So? If a dude wants his future wife to give up her name, he should be willing to do the same. Welcome to the patriarchy!
I kept my last name. DH's last name is a lot more common. I did offer to hyphenate mine, if he'd hyphenate his, but he declined (which was actually fine with me).
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
My maiden name and married name are very similar (like 2 different letters similar). I like my married name better as it's not common like my maiden name.
I like both names equally, I guess. They're both 1 syllable and easy to pronounce. I think my name flows better with my married last name, though. So, I did take his name, but it wasn't an easy decision. I ended up keeping my maiden name as a second middle name. I keep toying with the idea of dropping one of my middle names, but I can't choose.
I think that this is a personal decision and that there is no "right" or "wrong".
My BFP Chart
I used to have a customer whose last name actually was Slutsky. I giggled about it every time I saw it.
I like my last name much better, so I kept it. H's last name is quite unattractive, actually, IMO. It would have been nothing but vanity not to give it to my daughter, though, so I didn't even mention it. I never had any real feelings about it before I met H other than "if I like his name better than mine, I'll change it." I didn't, so I didn't change it.
It's not a big deal to me to have the same name as my kid. My mom never had the same name as me and it was never an issue.
I liked both as they are both unique but I dropped my maiden name and kept DH's last name. It's been 6 years and most of the time I feel like I own it but sometimes I slip and say my maiden name.
I loved my maiden name- it was spunky sounding and worked with my first name. DH's last name is a weird noun- it's really hard to match up a baby name without it sounding like a religious movement or a DJ.
My mom kept her last name, which came in handy when she got divorced, but it sort of sucked having a different last name from her.
Oh no! Perhaps it worked for her if she filled in the role at any point in life.
I can't wait to get married and change my name. SO's last name is cute, short, and easy to pronounce. My last name is boring and doesn't sound cute at all. DD has SO's last name so I feel left out.
I also hate my last name because it's my dads name and he left us when I was little. I don't have any siblings and my mom remarried so I'm alone with an ugly last name of a guy who bailed on his family.
It never occured to me not to change my name, all of the women in my family change their name, DH wouldn't have been happy if I didn't, and I wanted to have the same last name as my children. I am still not used to my married last name. I dropped my maiden name because my middle name sounds better with my first name/married name. My married name is difficult to pronounce and people never get it right, it's also a tough name to pair with first names, so we get stuck when trying to name kids.
We also live by my parents and are in situations with them a lot, and so because I no longer have their last name I am always being introduced as Liz N, Doug F's daughter. If I had to do it over, I would still change it, but I still don't like it.
I took my husband's name, but prefer my maiden name as it's less common yet still easy to say.
My uncle had no sons, so when his daughter married/had a child, they gave the child her maiden name, so as to carry on the name.
My H and his brother all had girls. As it stands now, their family name will end with our children (assuming our girls have children and those children take their father's names).