This really irks me. I don't need republicans in my vagina/ute, and I don't need Dems hanging off my tits. TYVM. Get the everliving F off my body, politicians.
This really bothers me. I am strongly pro-BF and having delivered at a hospital that made formula by prescription only to stop overzealous nurses from "helping" mom by letting her sleep while baby has a bottle (which destroyed BFing with my first and led to six months of exclusive pumping followed by guilt for stopping) I think it's a wonderful policy for a hospital to set. I really don't like the government getting involved in any reproduction-related medical decisions and don't think it's their place.
As a sidenote I think it's ironic that Bloomberg was originally elected as a Republican. He has since disassociated from that party (he's an Independent who still considers himself conservative), but he was originally from the party of "small government." Sure, small enough to dictate no large sodas or you must breastfeed....
I agree that the swag bags and free formula samples to all mothers, before they have made their decision as to how they want to feed their child needs to stop. Breast is best, yes, we know. but BFing (for me at least) was HARD. I wanted to give up countless times. When hospitals give out all of this swag supporting formula feeding instead of trying breastfeeding from the get go, a lot of may moms give in, thinking that's what the doctor wants.
However, it is every mother's personal choice. Every woman has to do what works best for them and is best for their child, and they should notbe judged once that decision is made. I think it's shiitty that they want nurses to hassle new moms with each and every bottle they're brought. that.
I haven't followed this story very closely as we don't live near NYC, have any nurse's groups given an opinion? I want to know how prohibitive it is to get a bottle out of the cabinet and make a note on the chart. Does this add an extra minute, extra 10 minutes, extra 20 minutes? Other than that I guess I feel mixed.
I don't see the harm in limiting the formula companies' influence (e.g., no logos on lanyards, no samples in gift bags).
But, I really don't like the lecture that accompanies every bottle. If they want to increase BFing rates they should incentivize, not guilt. Making a vulnerable population feel bad about their medical decisions is unacceptable.
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I would just make my husband go buy formula at the store and bring it into my room, screw them.
And seriously, getting rid of the swag because it has the formula maker's label on it? Just because you gave me a diaper bag (that I use almost daily) doesn't mean I'll only buy that brand.
I said it yesterday, and I'll say it again. He plans on doing this, he better make sure there are MULTIPLE lactation consultants available every freaking day and night to help these moms. I didn't have a LC at my hospital, and my son would latch. The nurses were pro-bfing, but had no idea how to help me, so formula it was, or he was screaming.
Stupid sonofabitchh man, right there. F off, Bloomberg.
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I would just make my husband go buy formula at the store and bring it into my room, screw them.
And seriously, getting rid of the swag because it has the formula maker's label on it? Just because you gave me a diaper bag (that I use almost daily) doesn't mean I'll only buy that brand.
I said it yesterday, and I'll say it again. He plans on doing this, he better make sure there are MULTIPLE lactation consultants available every freaking day and night to help these moms. I didn't have a LC at my hospital, and my son would latch. The nurses were pro-bfing, but had no idea how to help me, so formula it was, or he was screaming.
Stupid sonofabitchh man, right there. F off, Bloomberg.
It doesn't mean that you'll buy the brand, but the problem with a hospital distributing materials with logos on them is that it implies the hospital endorses it.
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I like getting rid of the marketing materials and the free formula samples in hospitals. I think the government can intervene in that area since it is a marketing issue. Lack of availability of tote bags and samples does not stop a mom from using formula.
I don't like the lecture part. A good baby friendly hospital will ask a mother what obstacles are in the way of breastfeeding. They offer support, not lectures. The government does not need to interfere in that arena.
Frankly I got sick of having formula pushed on me. I'd have preferred more BFing support.
Coffee it's not just getting a bottle out of the cabinet & noting it on a chart. It would have to be a medical reason. What if their is no medical reason? What if the mother just doesn't feel that she should have to BF?
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I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
My exerience with the hospital was they asked me if I was FF or BF? I said FF & they just noted it on my chart. End of story. They didn't try & sway me one way or another. I appreciated that from them.
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The required "explanation of breast is best" is what gets me the most. A woman should not be lectured on her choice. That is way over the line. I remember being really emotional and hormonal. If I had decided to choose to feed my child formula and some nurse gave me a "breast is best" explanation with every bottle of formula, i probablly would have gone BSC.
I like getting rid of the marketing materials and the free formula samples in hospitals. I think the government can intervene in that area since it is a marketing issue. Lack of availability of tote bags and samples does not stop a mom from using formula.
I don't like the lecture part. A good baby friendly hospital will ask a mother what obstacles are in the way of breastfeeding. They offer support, not lectures. The government does not need to interfere in that arena.
Frankly I got sick of having formula pushed on me. I'd have preferred more BFing support.
I agree. The hospital I delivered my first at (and will be delivering at again for #3 because we've returned to the area) gave formula without my knowledge or consent the first night then pushed formula the entire time we were in the hospital. The second was delivered in a mother baby friendly unit (in the midst of being certified as such by the WHO) and couldn't just give my baby a bottle or tell me to. Guess which baby successfully breastfed.
They also had amazing support for BFing. Daily classes/support groups and at least one LC on staff every day. My roommate had not intended to BF because she knew nothing about it (she came from an impoverished neighborhood where everyone FFs), but left the hospital BFing with plans to continue. She had no idea a baby could be exclusively breastfed and was thrilled at the financial savings, but had no clue it was even an option (not everyone has access to education). I think programs like this can be vastly helpful for some people.
That said, as I said before, I don't want it mandated by government. I think government has no business getting involved with BFing.
Coffee it's not just getting a bottle out of the cabinet & noting it on a chart. It would have to be a medical reason. What if their is no medical reason? What if the mother just doesn't feel that she should have to BF?
Yeah. I don't have to justify myself on how I feed my kid, and I think this whole thing is BS.
Don't push formula on BFing moms. And don't give FFing moms a hard time. And yes, locking up the formula like it's an effing narcotic or something is giving FF moms a hard time.
IDK why this has to be so "dig your heels in, one side vs. the other, one at the expense of the other" etc. It's effing exhausting and annoying.
In that case isn't the medical reason that the baby is FF and needs food? I mean they can't make you BF, and they can't not feed the baby. Right?
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I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
Choosing to feed your child is not selfish. Come back & post on this board when your baby is 12 months not just 15 weeks. I'd like to hear your opinion than. Not because I think it's invalid now just that experience might change it at that point. Until than keep up the good fight w/ calling mothers who FF selfish. That'll win you points in your argument. Said no one ever.
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I would just make my husband go buy formula at the store and bring it into my room, screw them.
And seriously, getting rid of the swag because it has the formula maker's label on it? Just because you gave me a diaper bag (that I use almost daily) doesn't mean I'll only buy that brand.
I said it yesterday, and I'll say it again. He plans on doing this, he better make sure there are MULTIPLE lactation consultants available every freaking day and night to help these moms. I didn't have a LC at my hospital, and my son would latch. The nurses were pro-bfing, but had no idea how to help me, so formula it was, or he was screaming.
Stupid sonofabitchh man, right there. F off, Bloomberg.
It doesn't mean that you'll buy the brand, but the problem with a hospital distributing materials with logos on them is that it implies the hospital endorses it.
Serious question - if the issue is the hospitals seeming to endorse companies, and not the formula itself - then should they still be allowed to give out literature and coupons and bags from the various BF pump companies? Because I got a ton of those as well as my formula samples.
That's a good point. If they're not endorsing them, then I don't think they should. Of course, if the hospital wants to come out and say "We endorse BFing, because of X, Y, Z, here's a pump coupon." Then I don't see a harm in it.
The problem I have is when medical decisions are influenced by the company and not the doctor. Medical decisions should be medical, not commercial.
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I would just make my husband go buy formula at the store and bring it into my room, screw them.
And seriously, getting rid of the swag because it has the formula maker's label on it? Just because you gave me a diaper bag (that I use almost daily) doesn't mean I'll only buy that brand.
I said it yesterday, and I'll say it again. He plans on doing this, he better make sure there are MULTIPLE lactation consultants available every freaking day and night to help these moms. I didn't have a LC at my hospital, and my son would latch. The nurses were pro-bfing, but had no idea how to help me, so formula it was, or he was screaming.
Stupid sonofabitchh man, right there. F off, Bloomberg.
This was my problem at the hospital. C was in NICU for three days, and while the staff in the NICU was very nice, sympathetic, and helpful, they could not help me get him to latch. No LC was offered and I requested one but never got one. I could only see C for a half hour or so at a time and then I was expected to get back to my room because I was sick and they were still trying to get my fever down too. I pumped all I could and it was formula the rest of the time. Our pedi scheduled us with one after C had been getting pumped milk from a bottle for a few days. Of course, then C had digestive problems and got put on alimentum anyway.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
Coffee it's not just getting a bottle out of the cabinet & noting it on a chart. It would have to be a medical reason. What if their is no medical reason? What if the mother just doesn't feel that she should have to BF?
Yeah. I don't have to justify myself on how I feed my kid, and I think this whole thing is BS.
Don't push formula on BFing moms. And don't give FFing moms a hard time. And yes, locking up the formula like it's an effing narcotic or something is giving FF moms a hard time.
IDK why this has to be so "dig your heels in, one side vs. the other, one at the expense of the other" etc. It's effing exhausting and annoying.
In that case isn't the medical reason that the baby is FF and needs food? I mean they can't make you BF, and they can't not feed the baby. Right?
But locking it up with the Tylenol, syringes and morphine, and giving me an "education" before going to get it is out of line. It's about how it makes mom feel, you know? Because is there at time in our lives when we are more vulnerable than right after giving birth?
Yes. Which is why if you look back at my post it says that it's not acceptable to make vulnerable populations feel bad about their legitimate medical decisions.
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I like getting rid of the marketing materials and the free formula samples in hospitals. I think the government can intervene in that area since it is a marketing issue. Lack of availability of tote bags and samples does not stop a mom from using formula.
I don't like the lecture part. A good baby friendly hospital will ask a mother what obstacles are in the way of breastfeeding. They offer support, not lectures. The government does not need to interfere in that arena.
Frankly I got sick of having formula pushed on me. I'd have preferred more BFing support.
I agree. The hospital I delivered my first at (and will be delivering at again for #3 because we've returned to the area) gave formula without my knowledge or consent the first night then pushed formula the entire time we were in the hospital. The second was delivered in a mother baby friendly unit (in the midst of being certified as such by the WHO) and couldn't just give my baby a bottle or tell me to. Guess which baby successfully breastfed.
They also had amazing support for BFing. Daily classes/support groups and at least one LC on staff every day. My roommate had not intended to BF because she knew nothing about it (she came from an impoverished neighborhood where everyone FFs), but left the hospital BFing with plans to continue. She had no idea a baby could be exclusively breastfed and was thrilled at the financial savings, but had no clue it was even an option (not everyone has access to education). I think programs like this can be vastly helpful for some people.
That said, as I said before, I don't want it mandated by government. I think government has no business getting involved with BFing.
I definitely agree that the government should not mandate BFing. I do think more education should be offered and I do not think it is a problem to ask a mother why she is choosing formula or if the hospital can offer any help with BFing. Because as you stated, not everyone knows there is an option. If she still says formula, then leave it alone. But, this should be governed by the hospital staff, not the government.
I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
Choosing to feed your child is not selfish. Come back & post on this board when your baby is 12 months not just 15 weeks. I'd like to hear your opinion than. Not because I think it's invalid now just that experience might change it at that point. Until than keep up the good fight w/ calling mothers who FF selfish. That'll win you points in your argument. Said no one ever.
Choosing to feed an infant formula is selfgish, unless there is absolutely no other way. I have 3 children, none of my children are 15 weeks. I am however 15 weeks pregnant. If you can't comprehend a ticker, I can see where the benefits of breastfeeding would be beyond you.
I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
Choosing to feed your child is not selfish. Come back & post on this board when your baby is 12 months not just 15 weeks. I'd like to hear your opinion than. Not because I think it's invalid now just that experience might change it at that point. Until than keep up the good fight w/ calling mothers who FF selfish. That'll win you points in your argument. Said no one ever.
Choosing to feed an infant formula is selfgish, unless there is absolutely no other way. I have 3 children, none of my children are 15 weeks. I am however 15 weeks pregnant. If you can't comprehend a ticker, I can see where the benefits of breastfeeding would be beyond you.
How was I supposed to know you had 3 children from your ticker? What am I missing?
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I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
Choosing to feed your child is not selfish. Come back & post on this board when your baby is 12 months not just 15 weeks. I'd like to hear your opinion than. Not because I think it's invalid now just that experience might change it at that point. Until than keep up the good fight w/ calling mothers who FF selfish. That'll win you points in your argument. Said no one ever.
Choosing to feed an infant formula is selfgish, unless there is absolutely no other way. I have 3 children, none of my children are 15 weeks. I am however 15 weeks pregnant. If you can't comprehend a ticker, I can see where the benefits of breastfeeding would be beyond you.
How was I supposed to know you had 3 children from your ticker? What am I missing?
No I meant you should be able to see Im 15 weeks pregnant, not that i have a 15 week old infant.
Coffee it's not just getting a bottle out of the cabinet & noting it on a chart. It would have to be a medical reason. What if their is no medical reason? What if the mother just doesn't feel that she should have to BF?
Yeah. I don't have to justify myself on how I feed my kid, and I think this whole thing is BS.
Don't push formula on BFing moms. And don't give FFing moms a hard time. And yes, locking up the formula like it's an effing narcotic or something is giving FF moms a hard time.
IDK why this has to be so "dig your heels in, one side vs. the other, one at the expense of the other" etc. It's effing exhausting and annoying.
In that case isn't the medical reason that the baby is FF and needs food? I mean they can't make you BF, and they can't not feed the baby. Right?
But locking it up with the Tylenol, syringes and morphine, and giving me an "education" before going to get it is out of line. It's about how it makes mom feel, you know? Because is there at time in our lives when we are more vulnerable than right after giving birth?
Yes. Which is why if you look back at my post it says that it's not acceptable to make vulnerable populations feel bad about their legitimate medical decisions.
I wasn't arguing with you. I was agreeing w. megs.
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Coffee it's not just getting a bottle out of the cabinet & noting it on a chart. It would have to be a medical reason. What if their is no medical reason? What if the mother just doesn't feel that she should have to BF?
Yeah. I don't have to justify myself on how I feed my kid, and I think this whole thing is BS.
Don't push formula on BFing moms. And don't give FFing moms a hard time. And yes, locking up the formula like it's an effing narcotic or something is giving FF moms a hard time.
IDK why this has to be so "dig your heels in, one side vs. the other, one at the expense of the other" etc. It's effing exhausting and annoying.
In that case isn't the medical reason that the baby is FF and needs food? I mean they can't make you BF, and they can't not feed the baby. Right?
But locking it up with the Tylenol, syringes and morphine, and giving me an "education" before going to get it is out of line. It's about how it makes mom feel, you know? Because is there at time in our lives when we are more vulnerable than right after giving birth?
This exactly. Honest to god, my biggest fear about becoming a FTM is breastfeeding, just because I'm scared to death of failing at it. It's ridiculous to put this kind of pressure and judgement on moms who only want the best for their babies.
I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
Choosing to feed your child is not selfish. Come back & post on this board when your baby is 12 months not just 15 weeks. I'd like to hear your opinion than. Not because I think it's invalid now just that experience might change it at that point. Until than keep up the good fight w/ calling mothers who FF selfish. That'll win you points in your argument. Said no one ever.
Choosing to feed an infant formula is selfgish, unless there is absolutely no other way. I have 3 children, none of my children are 15 weeks. I am however 15 weeks pregnant. If you can't comprehend a ticker, I can see where the benefits of breastfeeding would be beyond you.
How was I supposed to know you had 3 children from your ticker? What am I missing?
No I meant you should be able to see Im 15 weeks pregnant, not that i have a 15 week old infant.
yeah I got that much. you still suck.
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Sorry, but why does Bloomberg giveafuuck whether I formula feed or not? Slow day at the office?
It's because FFing versus BFing have certain health and socioeconomic outcomes, that when applied on a large scale (say, the size of NYC) will have serious implications for the city. Essentially, it's a public health issue. But that is not to say that he's addressing it appropriately.
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I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
Choosing to feed your child is not selfish. Come back & post on this board when your baby is 12 months not just 15 weeks. I'd like to hear your opinion than. Not because I think it's invalid now just that experience might change it at that point. Until than keep up the good fight w/ calling mothers who FF selfish. That'll win you points in your argument. Said no one ever.
Choosing to feed an infant formula is selfgish, unless there is absolutely no other way. I have 3 children, none of my children are 15 weeks. I am however 15 weeks pregnant. If you can't comprehend a ticker, I can see where the benefits of breastfeeding would be beyond you.
How was I supposed to know you had 3 children from your ticker? What am I missing?
No I meant you should be able to see Im 15 weeks pregnant, not that i have a 15 week old infant.
yeah I got that much. you still suck.
you might think that. But at least I feed my babies real food, not processed garbage.
I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
Choosing to feed your child is not selfish. Come back & post on this board when your baby is 12 months not just 15 weeks. I'd like to hear your opinion than. Not because I think it's invalid now just that experience might change it at that point. Until than keep up the good fight w/ calling mothers who FF selfish. That'll win you points in your argument. Said no one ever.
Choosing to feed an infant formula is selfgish, unless there is absolutely no other way. I have 3 children, none of my children are 15 weeks. I am however 15 weeks pregnant. If you can't comprehend a ticker, I can see where the benefits of breastfeeding would be beyond you.
Woah, did you really just say that? Please think carefully about this topic. Would you like to rephrase or clarify what you meant?
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This really irks me. I don't need republicans in my vagina/ute, and I don't need Dems hanging off my tits. TYVM. Get the everliving F off my body, politicians.
I wanted to breastfeed desperately, but once I gave birth--I found out (and realized) that I couldn't due to be on a certain type of meds. I was upset finding that, I think I would be heartbroken to jump through all the hoops just to get formula/bottles for my baby--especially with a lecture each time.
This really irks me. I don't need republicans in my vagina/ute, and I don't need Dems hanging off my tits. TYVM. Get the everliving F off my body, politicians.
I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
Choosing to feed your child is not selfish. Come back & post on this board when your baby is 12 months not just 15 weeks. I'd like to hear your opinion than. Not because I think it's invalid now just that experience might change it at that point. Until than keep up the good fight w/ calling mothers who FF selfish. That'll win you points in your argument. Said no one ever.
Choosing to feed an infant formula is selfgish, unless there is absolutely no other way. I have 3 children, none of my children are 15 weeks. I am however 15 weeks pregnant. If you can't comprehend a ticker, I can see where the benefits of breastfeeding would be beyond you.
Edited. I won't feed the troll
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I think it's great. Mother that just choose not to breastfeed are making a selfish choice and it could affect the rest of their baby's life. Your children do not belong to you, you should respect that they are their own people and make the best decisions for them and their health until they are able to do so themselves. If you aren't ready to be selfless, don't have a baby.
Choosing to feed your child is not selfish. Come back & post on this board when your baby is 12 months not just 15 weeks. I'd like to hear your opinion than. Not because I think it's invalid now just that experience might change it at that point. Until than keep up the good fight w/ calling mothers who FF selfish. That'll win you points in your argument. Said no one ever.
Choosing to feed an infant formula is selfgish, unless there is absolutely no other way. I have 3 children, none of my children are 15 weeks. I am however 15 weeks pregnant. If you can't comprehend a ticker, I can see where the benefits of breastfeeding would be beyond you.
Woah, did you really just say that? Please think carefully about this topic. Would you like to rephrase or clarify what you meant?
Please read carefully. I said if there is no other way. Which means if you or baby have a medical condition that makes breastfeeding impossible (not just hard) that is what formula is for. Choosing it just because is dirty, selfish, and stupid.
Re: Bloomberg on the boob..
This really bothers me. I am strongly pro-BF and having delivered at a hospital that made formula by prescription only to stop overzealous nurses from "helping" mom by letting her sleep while baby has a bottle (which destroyed BFing with my first and led to six months of exclusive pumping followed by guilt for stopping) I think it's a wonderful policy for a hospital to set. I really don't like the government getting involved in any reproduction-related medical decisions and don't think it's their place.
As a sidenote I think it's ironic that Bloomberg was originally elected as a Republican. He has since disassociated from that party (he's an Independent who still considers himself conservative), but he was originally from the party of "small government." Sure, small enough to dictate no large sodas or you must breastfeed....
I agree that the swag bags and free formula samples to all mothers, before they have made their decision as to how they want to feed their child needs to stop. Breast is best, yes, we know. but BFing (for me at least) was HARD. I wanted to give up countless times. When hospitals give out all of this swag supporting formula feeding instead of trying breastfeeding from the get go, a lot of may moms give in, thinking that's what the doctor wants.
However, it is every mother's personal choice. Every woman has to do what works best for them and is best for their child, and they should notbe judged once that decision is made. I think it's shiitty that they want nurses to hassle new moms with each and every bottle they're brought. that.
I haven't followed this story very closely as we don't live near NYC, have any nurse's groups given an opinion? I want to know how prohibitive it is to get a bottle out of the cabinet and make a note on the chart. Does this add an extra minute, extra 10 minutes, extra 20 minutes? Other than that I guess I feel mixed.
I don't see the harm in limiting the formula companies' influence (e.g., no logos on lanyards, no samples in gift bags).
But, I really don't like the lecture that accompanies every bottle. If they want to increase BFing rates they should incentivize, not guilt. Making a vulnerable population feel bad about their medical decisions is unacceptable.
I would just make my husband go buy formula at the store and bring it into my room, screw them.
And seriously, getting rid of the swag because it has the formula maker's label on it? Just because you gave me a diaper bag (that I use almost daily) doesn't mean I'll only buy that brand.
I said it yesterday, and I'll say it again. He plans on doing this, he better make sure there are MULTIPLE lactation consultants available every freaking day and night to help these moms. I didn't have a LC at my hospital, and my son would latch. The nurses were pro-bfing, but had no idea how to help me, so formula it was, or he was screaming.
Stupid sonofabitchh man, right there. F off, Bloomberg.
It doesn't mean that you'll buy the brand, but the problem with a hospital distributing materials with logos on them is that it implies the hospital endorses it.
I like getting rid of the marketing materials and the free formula samples in hospitals. I think the government can intervene in that area since it is a marketing issue. Lack of availability of tote bags and samples does not stop a mom from using formula.
I don't like the lecture part. A good baby friendly hospital will ask a mother what obstacles are in the way of breastfeeding. They offer support, not lectures. The government does not need to interfere in that arena.
Frankly I got sick of having formula pushed on me. I'd have preferred more BFing support.
I agree. The hospital I delivered my first at (and will be delivering at again for #3 because we've returned to the area) gave formula without my knowledge or consent the first night then pushed formula the entire time we were in the hospital. The second was delivered in a mother baby friendly unit (in the midst of being certified as such by the WHO) and couldn't just give my baby a bottle or tell me to. Guess which baby successfully breastfed.
They also had amazing support for BFing. Daily classes/support groups and at least one LC on staff every day. My roommate had not intended to BF because she knew nothing about it (she came from an impoverished neighborhood where everyone FFs), but left the hospital BFing with plans to continue. She had no idea a baby could be exclusively breastfed and was thrilled at the financial savings, but had no clue it was even an option (not everyone has access to education). I think programs like this can be vastly helpful for some people.
That said, as I said before, I don't want it mandated by government. I think government has no business getting involved with BFing.
In that case isn't the medical reason that the baby is FF and needs food? I mean they can't make you BF, and they can't not feed the baby. Right?
DD2 11.17.08
Choosing to feed your child is not selfish. Come back & post on this board when your baby is 12 months not just 15 weeks. I'd like to hear your opinion than. Not because I think it's invalid now just that experience might change it at that point. Until than keep up the good fight w/ calling mothers who FF selfish. That'll win you points in your argument. Said no one ever.
That's a good point. If they're not endorsing them, then I don't think they should. Of course, if the hospital wants to come out and say "We endorse BFing, because of X, Y, Z, here's a pump coupon." Then I don't see a harm in it.
The problem I have is when medical decisions are influenced by the company and not the doctor. Medical decisions should be medical, not commercial.
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
This was my problem at the hospital. C was in NICU for three days, and while the staff in the NICU was very nice, sympathetic, and helpful, they could not help me get him to latch. No LC was offered and I requested one but never got one. I could only see C for a half hour or so at a time and then I was expected to get back to my room because I was sick and they were still trying to get my fever down too. I pumped all I could and it was formula the rest of the time. Our pedi scheduled us with one after C had been getting pumped milk from a bottle for a few days. Of course, then C had digestive problems and got put on alimentum anyway.
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Yes. Which is why if you look back at my post it says that it's not acceptable to make vulnerable populations feel bad about their legitimate medical decisions.
I definitely agree that the government should not mandate BFing. I do think more education should be offered and I do not think it is a problem to ask a mother why she is choosing formula or if the hospital can offer any help with BFing. Because as you stated, not everyone knows there is an option. If she still says formula, then leave it alone. But, this should be governed by the hospital staff, not the government.
Choosing to feed an infant formula is selfgish, unless there is absolutely no other way. I have 3 children, none of my children are 15 weeks. I am however 15 weeks pregnant. If you can't comprehend a ticker, I can see where the benefits of breastfeeding would be beyond you.
How was I supposed to know you had 3 children from your ticker? What am I missing?
No I meant you should be able to see Im 15 weeks pregnant, not that i have a 15 week old infant.
Gotcha,
This exactly. Honest to god, my biggest fear about becoming a FTM is breastfeeding, just because I'm scared to death of failing at it. It's ridiculous to put this kind of pressure and judgement on moms who only want the best for their babies.
yeah I got that much. you still suck.
It's because FFing versus BFing have certain health and socioeconomic outcomes, that when applied on a large scale (say, the size of NYC) will have serious implications for the city. Essentially, it's a public health issue. But that is not to say that he's addressing it appropriately.
you might think that. But at least I feed my babies real food, not processed garbage.
Bloomberg cares because his city and state pay for it. can you imagine if WIC didn't need to provide formula? This is absolutely a state issue.
Woah, did you really just say that? Please think carefully about this topic. Would you like to rephrase or clarify what you meant?
Oooooooooooh. Oops, I didn't meant to feed her.
That makes me sad and upset to hear.
I wanted to breastfeed desperately, but once I gave birth--I found out (and realized) that I couldn't due to be on a certain type of meds. I was upset finding that, I think I would be heartbroken to jump through all the hoops just to get formula/bottles for my baby--especially with a lecture each time.
Independent? I can't keep up with him.
Edited. I won't feed the troll
Please read carefully. I said if there is no other way. Which means if you or baby have a medical condition that makes breastfeeding impossible (not just hard) that is what formula is for. Choosing it just because is dirty, selfish, and stupid.
Im no more a troll than KC is.