Working Moms

Nanny Cam....necessary?

We will be using daycare primarily, but are going to pay a little more to have a nanny/kidcare service (Brightstar) pick up my twin girls from daycare and bring them home and put them to bed when both my DH and I work late.  (We are in healthcare and do not have a 9-5 or 6-6 schedule for that matter).  We have worked out the money and this is actually the more economical option.  Plus we like having the multiple teachers, structured activity, and socialization daycare would provide.

Anyways, should we get a nanny cam?  If so which one?  The care providers that will be watching the girls will have been hired by this company and extremely background screened.  I don't know whether it is necessary or not (leaning toward not) but I want what is best for my girls!  

Plus would I get one for the main room and one for their bedroom?!  That would get expensive..... 

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Re: Nanny Cam....necessary?

  • JJEM98JJEM98 member
    I wouldn't.  But I've also learned to really trust my gut and when anything is off with a potential caregiver I don't try to talk myself out of it.  Some of the childcare providers that give the best interviews, perfect home, just the right answers etc., are the ones that just struck me as wrong and I learned through experience to trust that. A home or caregiver who is right for our family is a little more laid back, ok with toys strewn about, willing to get dirty and play.  Not exactly picture perfect.  That said, my daughter is older and can also tell me when things aren't right.  With babies, I might be tempted to just for peace of mind.  Can you have one put in just for a short period of time to make sure everything is as you hope?  I worry I would be spending all my free time watching the videos and looking for anything wrong rather than enjoying that time when I was home with my child.
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  • We decided against one because I really felt that if I had to spy on my caregiver, then she probably wasn't the right one for us.  I think you have to go with your gut feeling and the recommendations of her previous employers.  Background checks are one thing, but what did other moms have to say about her?  References were the most important part of my nanny hunt.   
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  • Honestly, if someone was watching my child at my home, I would get a camera installed. I don't care if their background check came out clean, or they had excellent references. Seeing stories about child abuse being caught on nanny cams made me realize that you never really know a person and I won't take any chances when it comes to my kids. My DD goes to daycare so there are others there to help monitor the teacher's actions. I wish they had a camera that I could check while I'm at work.
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