I just waddled to the farmer's market(about a mile) to buy spicy pickles, stopped at chipotle to have a veggie bowl with spicy sauce, and am now I am eating the pickles while I bounce on my yoga ball and enjoying some Raspberry Leaf Tea.
I think I've given up. I may go ahead and open up my breast pump and give that a go. Partly because I'm curious lol. I've heard nipple stimulation causes horrible contractions, but at this point, I don't care. I want my baby to come naturally.
Still eating overly dark chocolate. And I will continue to drink the Raspberry Leaf Tea as it is also supposed to help with healing after birth.
Power walking and sex..... eh I'm too tired and at the end of my rope making attempts to get the baby out. I might do them if I feel like it.
41 weeks here and I think.... I GIVE UP! It's too hot and I'm too miserable to walk today or try sex again. I have RRLT but I'm kind of over that, still taking EPO but I don't want to do it internally. Have tried bouncing on the yoga ball, walking almost every day for over a week, spicy foods, eggplant parmesan, 2 membrane sweeps, ETC... This baby is stubborn like his parents! *sigh*
I did lots of walking and red raspberry leaf tea. Also some spicy food. Getting the membrane sweep done at my doctors is what did the trick though. When I got home from the doctors office, I went for a long walk - and I started contractions a few hours later. I did another long walk when my contractions started. My labour wasn't too long - so maybe the walking helped.
I walked around down by the beach today and shopped with my mom. Had a sandwich with basil on it, going to sushi tonight and having a few spicy (cooked) rolls. Due date is tomorrow so I am going all out tonight but I am sure it won't do anything lol
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I worked an extra 8 hour shift as a nurse and ate fresh pineapple for lunch.
BFP May 2017.
BFP July 2014. Low Progesterone. DS born by repeat c-section for breech presentation. BFP November 2011 TWINS!!!. Lost a twin at 7 weeks. DS born VBAC. BFP July 2009. DD born via c/section for breech presentation. BFP Jan. 2009. Missed miscarriage at 9 weeks.D&C March 2010 December 2009 - Diagnosed with bicornuate uterus.
I'm yet to try anything really, I walk my dog a lot more but its honestly because moving feels better on my hips than sitting.
I figure technically I have a week (or up to 10 days depending on the ovulation and conception math) and I feel bad when I think of "forcing" him out before he wants to come out. I've gone 39 weeks, I can suffer another week or so.
:.:.Dear baby boy, No one will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.:.:
I've tried everything: sex, tons of walking, squats, bouncing on a yoga ball for endless amounts of time, spicy food, pineapple, red raspberry leaf tea, driviing on a bumpy road, etc. etc. etc. and here I sit at 40 weeks, 3 days still pregnant.
I'm with the PP that suggested finding some old wives and showing them what's what.
Re: What is everyone doing to naturally induce labor today?
I think I've given up. I may go ahead and open up my breast pump and give that a go. Partly because I'm curious lol. I've heard nipple stimulation causes horrible contractions, but at this point, I don't care. I want my baby to come naturally.
Still eating overly dark chocolate. And I will continue to drink the Raspberry Leaf Tea as it is also supposed to help with healing after birth.
Power walking and sex..... eh I'm too tired and at the end of my rope making attempts to get the baby out. I might do them if I feel like it.
.....Maybe I need to try some form of bribery?
Well I started out eating 4 cupcakes for breakfast.
Next up is gorging myself on some Olive Garden.
And then I might hit up Walmart.
I've given up. This kid will show up when its good and ready, on its own time. But at least I'm not overdue. Yet.
Ate spicy food
Broke out my pump
Took a nap
Bouncing on yoga ball
Learned my kid can fart on demand which resulted in a laughing fit for 10 mins...
Haha! My day consisted of:
Walked for a mile up and down a hill
Ate Indian food for lunch
Paced, because I swear that's all I can do
Took a nap
Ate all the pecans out of the butter pecan ice cream
Yeah....I've got nothing. Contractions while I was walking, then when I stopped they stopped. Lamesauce
I might bust out the pump and try that later....otherwise all these attempts are making me want to find some old wives and beat them.
I did lots of walking and red raspberry leaf tea. Also some spicy food. Getting the membrane sweep done at my doctors is what did the trick though. When I got home from the doctors office, I went for a long walk - and I started contractions a few hours later. I did another long walk when my contractions started. My labour wasn't too long - so maybe the walking helped.
Good luck to you.
Went to see a movie, and am relaxing
Its too hot to go for a walk (I froze my gym membership for a few months)
I hate spicy food, and at work I sit on a yoga ball a few hrs a day.
We tried the sex thing, but DH could feel baby. So that ruined the moment (btw we weren't even to the sex part just "building" up to it!
From what I have seen/heard from my friends is that baby wouldn't come until he/she is ready no matter what you do! but boy- I am ready for baby!!!
BFP May 2017.
BFP November 2011 TWINS!!!. Lost a twin at 7 weeks. DS born VBAC.
BFP July 2009. DD born via c/section for breech presentation.
BFP Jan. 2009. Missed miscarriage at 9 weeks.D&C March 2010
December 2009 - Diagnosed with bicornuate uterus.
walking, walking, walking...and some fun time with my hubby hehe
Make a pregnancy ticker
Seriously. I feel the same way. Who came up with half this crap. I've tried it ALL!
I'm yet to try anything really, I walk my dog a lot more but its honestly because moving feels better on my hips than sitting.
I figure technically I have a week (or up to 10 days depending on the ovulation and conception math) and I feel bad when I think of "forcing" him out before he wants to come out. I've gone 39 weeks, I can suffer another week or so.
I've tried everything: sex, tons of walking, squats, bouncing on a yoga ball for endless amounts of time, spicy food, pineapple, red raspberry leaf tea, driviing on a bumpy road, etc. etc. etc. and here I sit at 40 weeks, 3 days still pregnant.
I'm with the PP that suggested finding some old wives and showing them what's what.