Good morning everyone and happy Friday!!! I have two confessions today...
1. I have social anxiety...especially when I go out by myself or just me and DD...I feel like people are staring at me and it sometimes makes me anxious. Today I had a case of it at the gym, but once I got ino the groove of my workout routine, it wasn't as bad.
2. Sometimes during the day I talk to DD in a British/Scottish accent...I think it would be cool if she picked up the accent while we are do I talk to her in an accent you ask?? I sing along with the new musical toys that we bought for her. I might buy more because I am getting tired of the same music..DH has no idea I do this...
sibling love
THIS. I always feel like people are staring at me. Even at work when I pass co workers in the hall I notice after I say Hi I immediately look down. I have to make a conscious effort to keep my head up. I hate social functions where I only know one person. I always feel like everyone is looking at me and noticing that I don't know anyone. I am also terrible at social small talk with people I don't know.
My FFFC: I ate entire box of Ian's French Toast sticks for breakfast at 5:30am and just ate leftover brown rice and chicken meatballs at 7:45am.
I also just cleaned my microwave for the first time in like a month. I should have taken a before picture. I think all the food stuck in there could have fed a starving country.
Edited stupid autocorrect
hlc...I hate small talk too! I also hate the whole eye contact thing because I always think I'm I making too much eye contact or too little...I'm so weird!
Lol to the microwave, it was a reminder to clean mine. I never remember to do that and it's so gross cause we use ours a lot!
sibling love
I am right there with you!!
Same here.. 2-4x a night. Pedi told me 1x tops.
Me too! See you guys its more common than not. Don't feel intimidated by your pedi's, they are not at your house at 2am! I feel like he gets the most milk when he nurses in the middle of the night because he is so distracted during the day. Also, I'm coming more and more to terms with bed sharing. I get it may be dangerous for other people...if you have a lifestyle that incorporates heavy drinking and/or drugs. But DS has been sleeping on and off in the bed with us since he was about 3 months old with no problems. I think it's only natural for a baby to want to sleep with its mother...what baby animal in the wild sleeps away from its mom at this young age? I can't think of any. But yet we are told its wrong to bed share and evidently wrong to feed your baby during the night. Both of these things seem completely natural for a baby to do.
Success After Losses. I carry your
Haha! There aren't many choices in the boy dept. And we're all jealous of the cutesy girl clothes.
Success After Losses. I carry your
Thanks for writing this...I really needed it-especially today. Sometimes people make you feel like a alien since we co-sleep, etc.
We are not saving for DS college and I don't think that makes us selfish or rediculous.
We both had to pay for our college-with student loans-and I think it provided us with a strong work ethic . And we both have worked since we were 15.
We have a small savings account started for him which we put any gifted money he receives into.
I want my children to go to college and know they are paying for it. I feel if they pay for something (whether it's something as small as a t-shirt,a cell phone, or as big as college) they will respect it more.
We will co-sign any student loan he needs and provide for any NEED. Even if he is married with children. It's part of being a parent!
In regards to lying to the pediatrician..... I lie to her about the following things:
How much solids DD gets through the day. The pedi says 3 times a day, I only feed her solids twice. Some days once.
Co-sleeping. The pedi is ridiculous when it comes to co-sleeping.
Breastfeeding in the middle of the night. Why is that of her concern? I really don't get it. If I don't mind that I am not sleeping through the night, why should she!
I also tell my husband to agree with everything I say. I will never be able to send him to the pedi alone at this rate.
This is hilarious and awesome!!
i am friends w/ a pedi on facebook & her daughter refuses to sleep & never has & she said it's payback for all the times she told parents not to nurse etc in the middle of the night!!!
Lol I am with you. The one time I did send DH alone I sent a note so he wouldn't slip up. Crazy I know.
I lie about the following:
Where LO sleeps-In our room next to our bed-Pedi thinks she is in her crib in her own room.
Sleeping on her back--LO has been a tummy sleeper since 10wks old
So funny. Before we had the baby I told everyone I was going to give our child a "Stewie Accent" (edit because I have no clue how to spell Stewie)
I was eating a skor bar the other day when I read the "suggest your healthy snacks" post. It was a great chocolate bar and I'm down
I tell myself and my husband that I'm ok with the slow pace of weightloss but I died a little inside (ok exaggeration) when I put the ergo on after him and I didn't need to tighten the waist strap. I'm 149lbs and a size 8/10 now...I really miss my "6" clothing. REALLY. There are cute skirts calling me. Cute, I tell you!
Toys. I need new toys.
My husband asked me "are you saving cans again" - when I hadn't immediately tossed empty formula cans. Ok, this one's a vent. Really, we just got home from a road trip, A was in need of comfort and I was making bottles with one hand as it was. So no, I am not saving cans. My confession is that I am going to find a craft to do with empty cans so that I can say YES, actually I am.
We also bed-share part of the night. She nurses to sleep. Nurses at 3 and then has a bottle. She sleeps in her crib in our room from 3 until ?? (sometimes 7, sometimes 3:45)...then she's in bed nursing and sleeping from 7 until 9. Our ped is great though. He says "she looks great and if it's working for you..."
I puree meat for her. But not as meat because I wouldn't eat that.With the right combo of meat/veggies/liquid it's like a cream soup. The pureed pork recipe on wholesomebaby is pretty decent.
Being on vacation this week with other families with babies has made me realize that I totally feel like I'm a better mom than they are. I know raising children is not a competition but I really do feel entirely superior to them, so much so that I feel bad for their kids. I can't believe I'm actually confessing this, but it's been on my mind all week.
Im also kind of tired of them "making fun" of my wholesome, from scratch cooking, especially because I've been cooking for them all week. Just because I don't cook from a box, don't buy lunch out everyday and don't use a microwave shouldn't make me a target for mocking. In general I like everyone here, but I'm looking forward to getting home tomorrow. Next year I need to vacation with other type A foodies.
Where would you like to vacation? We get the same mocking!
Oooh, I have another one piggy-backing off of the parents not paying for college....
I don't think parents should be responsible for paying for their children's weddings. I think if you are an adult, you have a job and want a fancy wedding you should pay for it yourself. If you can't afford it, don't have a big wedding, or elope. If it's truly about getting married then the wedding itself shouldn't matter.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about helping out or contributing...when I got married my parents bought me my dress and paid for the rehearsal dinner. I was also 31and although it was hard we managed to pay pretty much everything by ourselves and had a beautiful wedding and felt extremely proud that were able to do it on our own.I just don't understand these people who have a 60-80k+ wedding that their parents pay for because they feel like they have to and are wiping out their savings or their 401k. I know people who have personally done this so it really irks me. A girl that I know just had one of these big fancy over the top weddings and she's already getting divorced, less than a year later.
I paid my own way through college, and I am really proud of it. I feel like I worked harder and have a deep work ethic as a result. My parents were not irresponsible, they were poor.
My students loans are nearly paid off and I am saving for my child's future...however, I would like my kids to know what it means to really work toward a goal.
I get the same mocking as well. Not sure why when all I am trying to do is what is best for my LO. I got the eye roll the other day when I said I have never eaten Hamburger Helper and either will my child. What is wrong with fresh food?
Do you ladies like a hot climate or a cool one for next years vacation:)
A beach on the east coast.
Same story here.
I will expect A to research and apply for as many scholarships as she is eligible for. After that we'll hopefully be able to help her out...
We are not in the position to save much for DS' college at this point, we have to fully fund our retirement first. I wish my loans were close to being paid off
My FFC: I did the math today on what was cheaper... ordering more domperidome or just using formula until DS is 1. The dom won. I wanted to cry since this means 5 more months of EPing.
I agree with this. I would rather have my pedi disagree with me than have him think something untrue. If it was really an issue though I would work to find a more like minded physician.
I still nurse through the night. My son's ped says we can continue to do that as long as I'm ok with it. Do you what you think is best! I'd probably lie if I were in your situation, too.
DD 8/28/2014
DD 5/24/2016, stillborn at 40 weeks
On the whole lying to the pediatrician thing- I don't bother with it. He tried to scold me at B's last appointment because B isn't sleeping through the night and still eats 1-2 times each night. I looked at him and said, "The way I see it is, unless you have to get up with him, why do you care? I'm fine getting up with him at night, in fact, I kind of like it since everything is so much calmer at night. If he wakes up and is hungry, or wants to be cuddled, that's fine with me. No one else has to take on the responsibility of doing it, it's my job. I'm his mom."
He seemed to accept that as an answer, lol.
Me too...I hate that you all have it, but I am kinda glad I'm not alone.
sibling love
I think I love you
Lol to the Stewie accent! My accent is horrific, but it makes DD laugh...
sibling love
I love you, too. I paid for my college and my wedding. I was never given a car, and have never even had a ticket. I think it all made me more responsible and appreciative. I would not want my parents to pay for me. It would make me feel very guilty.
ETA: I know someone whose massive princess wedding forced her parents to take out a second mortgage...and they divorced within 2 years.
DH finally agreed that I can look for a housekeeper. I work full time, and I barely get to se LO during the weekend and I hate spending my weekends cleaning when all I really want to do is spend time with him. I haven't yet looked into a housekeeper for the following reasons:
1) My house is a disaster. Everything is clean, but messy. I certainly don't want someone to come over and give me a quote based on how it looks now.
2) Going off the social anxiety, I hate talking to strangers, I hate setting up interviews, and I HATE negotiating.
These are the reasons why my house is a mess.
IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
5 Snowbabies! Beta#1 4/21= BFP! 226; Beta#2 4/25= 944
DS born 12/14/11
Baby #2 FET Nov/Dec 2013
12/13 Beta#1=BFP 349; 12/16 Beta#2=1,089. First ultrasound 12/26. DS#2 born 8/8/14

~~PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome~~