Baby Names

Question from a lurker :o)

Hi ladies! I just wanted to get some input, if you all wouldn't mind! DH and I are not pregnant, but after the loss of our first, I can't seem to stop thinking about names. If we are blessed enough to have our rainbow, and the baby is a girl, I would really like to name her after my great grandmother, Vaunceil. As you can tell, this is a highly unusual name. I've been unable to find a meaning, but perhaps I'm using the wrong sites? I am very open to a nickname or using "vaun" or "ceil" in a name as a tribute. Any ideas? TIA!

Re: Question from a lurker :o)

  • It's really really 'unusual' and kind of sounds masculine to me, sorry; how about using Celia? is that close enough to Ceil?
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  • imagebbg676:
    I ususally like more 'unusual' names when they are named for family, but tbh - I would have no idea how to pronounce the name.  I think it is awesome you want to honor her, but it might just be a bit too unusual.  At least when it comes to pronouncing it. 

    I agree. Have you considered using part of the name to honor her instead? Like Vaughn for a boy or Celia/Cecilia for a girl. Or does she have a middle name that is more usable?  

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  • ==N====N== member
    i might be wrong, its been a long time since hs french, but doesnt ciel mean sky? and since you already call her your rainbow maybe something like that? maybe skye, raina, or stella?

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  • imageKearaD:

    I ususally like more 'unusual' names when they are named for family, but tbh - I would have no idea how to pronounce the name.  I think it is awesome you want to honor her, but it might just be a bit too unusual.  At least when it comes to pronouncing it. 

    I agree. Have you considered using part of the name to honor her instead? Like Vaughn for a boy or Celia/Cecilia for a girl. Or does she have a middle name that is more usable?  

    . I agree that using Vaughn for a boy or Celia for a girl might be a better option
  • Could you just use a first name that starts with a V in honor of her? I like Vivian, Veda, and Vera. 

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  • I immediately thought of Vaughn and Cecilia/Ceilia like the other PP's. Cecily would be cute too.  

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  • imageKearaD:

    I ususally like more 'unusual' names when they are named for family, but tbh - I would have no idea how to pronounce the name.  I think it is awesome you want to honor her, but it might just be a bit too unusual.  At least when it comes to pronouncing it. 

    I agree. Have you considered using part of the name to honor her instead? Like Vaughn for a boy or Celia/Cecilia for a girl. Or does she have a middle name that is more usable?  

    That's where my mind went. 
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  • Thank you all for your thoughts! According to her, it means "fair sky." There is no middle name, because "What in the h*ll do you put with Vaunciel?" I really appreciate the responses. Maybe someday I'll get to decide which route to go! :o)
  • I think Vanceil is lovely, and I really like the potential NNs. I think you should use it. It does have a meaning - it was your grandmother's name. I think that makes it a worthy choice, though the fact that it's pretty doesn't hurt. ;)
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    My mind immediately went to Vaughn for a boy and Celia for a girl as well.

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