
? About Vitamin D

I take a 5000 IU vitamin D supplement every day to help with inflammation.  I have read a study that states pregnant women who take 4000 IU of vitamin D daily have a lower risk of pregnancy complications (pre-e and GD, specifically).  The current recommendation of 200-400 IU of vitamin D a day is currently under review.

I am a firm believer that higher doses of Vitamin D are beneficial and that the current recommendation is too low.  However, since my supplement is higher than the max dose recommended in the study mentioned above, do you think I should lower it for the duration of my pregnancy?  I haven't read anything that says taking more than 4000 IU is bad it just hasn't been studied.  

ETA:  For the record, I have an auto immune disorder and I control it with the vitamin D, fish oil, and an anti-inflammatory diet so that I can avoid medication.  Right now the supplements are just sitting in my cabinet because I wasn't sure. 

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Re: ? About Vitamin D

  • imagejustAphase:
    Have you talked to your doctor? They will probably be the best one to ask. My friend is high risk and she definitely takes more than the recommended does as per doctor's orders, but I'm not sure how much higher. 

    My first appointment is on the 31st.  I am planning on asking but thought I would throw it out there to see what your guys thought.

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  • I wouldn't go above the recommended dose. Have you asked your OB? 
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  • imagewife1014:
    I wouldn't go above the recommended dose. Have you asked your OB? 
    this, I'd check with OB first.

    ETA - especially since the UL of vitamin D is 4000IU.  






     That article suggests that pregnancy outcomes are better with 4000 IUI Vitamin D supplementation than the "adequate intake" level of 400 IUI or even 2000 IUI. However, it doesn't appear that levels that high have been studied in depth enough to suggest causation of better pregnancy outcomes as a result of much higher than average vitamin D supplementation.

     That being said, I would still talk to your OB.   

  • Yeah, I would really discuss this with your OB. Maybe just call the triage nurse or on call at your clinic.
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