Baby Names

Ella or Mia? Clicky Poll

Thanks to this board's help and a long discussion last night, DH and I are down to the last two names! MN honors DH's grandma. Last name begins with an S and is two syllables.

We know they are popular names, but at this point we are more concerned with choosing a name that we both love, will serve her well in life, etc.

Ella Caroline (too juvenile? teasing potential with word elephant? MIL doesn't like it, should that matter at all?)

Mia Caroline (not substantial enough? too juvenile?)


We'd love to hear your thoughts! Thank you so much! :)

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Re: Ella or Mia? Clicky Poll

  • I dont really care for either but i think Mia Caroline sounds better
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  • Mia
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  • I feel like Ella and different forms of it have been popular for a long time.  I've actually never met a Mia but I know it's high up there.  So I say Mia.

  • I love mia and think ella is too trendy. Mia was also what I called my grandma :)
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  • I love Mia.  I'm a teacher, and some names are "off limits" because they remind me of past students :)  However, I have taught two Mia's and they were both awesome young ladies...some of my favorites.  It's a name that is adorable for a little girl, but it is also a name that she can grow up with.


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  • I didn't see last night's discussion so maybe this is a dead horse - but have you considered Caroline as the first name?  Might be biased since it's on my list, and while I'm usually not a nn fan, think that Callie is a cute nick name. 

    Otherwise I think that both Ella and Mia are very pretty.

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    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



  • Have you considered Mila? It's a combination of them both!

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  • I voted Ella. And I did not take into account what anyone but my DH and I thought about the names. 

    Both sides are very opinionated and have opposite views anyway. So it would have been impossible.

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  • If I had to pick one I would say Mia. However, both are really cutesy and really popular. So those are huge turn offs for me.
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  • I prefer Mia but would like to see a more formal fn and then Mia as the nn
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  • imageBearfootz:

    I didn't see last night's discussion so maybe this is a dead horse - but have you considered Caroline as the first name?  Might be biased since it's on my list, and while I'm usually not a nn fan, think that Callie is a cute nick name. 

    Otherwise I think that both Ella and Mia are very pretty.


    I wish DH would agree to it as a first name! He thinks it's too "old fashioned" Confused Callie is adorable, too! 

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  • imagektpaladino:
    Have you considered Mila? It's a combination of them both!

    That's a great idea, thank you! I love Mila!

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  • Ella Caroline
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  • I really like Mia.
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