Cloth Diapering

New to CD, where do I find deals?

Hi all! I have lurked on this board for a while, and I think I'm ready to start building a CD stash of my own. I'm so excited!

I have seen people mention deals and great prices on diapers, how do I find these? Is it best to get on email lists from certain website or to just search Amazon and other sources on a regular basis in order to see special sales?

Just curious as to what has been the most beneficial and cost saving for your family. 


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Re: New to CD, where do I find deals?

  • I've been checking - they list daily deals for different websites.
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  • It really depends on what kinds you are wanting to get. I haven't been able to get very good deals from Amazon, but and always seem to have some sort of promotions running. When I built my stash I just kept an eye on 3 or 4 sites and waited for sales. If you find a site you like, has lists of sales and coupon codes relevant to certain websites.
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  • I have been stalking The Green Nursery's website. They have bundle deals for bumGeniuses (sp?) that make them a little less than $18 dollars and you get free shipping!

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  • i liked the gently used section on, and i bought some stuff from (like the imagine smartfit prefolds and some imagine covers). 
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  • I see a lot of deals on Zulily and Totsy.
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  • Get on the email lists for EcoBabyBuys, BabySteals, and Zulily. Get on the email lists for the major sellers like Cotton Babies, Abby's Lane, and Jillian's Drawers. Check out used options like Spot's Corner and the daily for sale/wanted thread here. Don't try to buy your whole stash at once-- at least once a week one of those deal sites will have diapers of some sort, and eventually you'll see the ones you want.


    Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.

    my blog

    What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.

    Cloth diapering twins, Part II.

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  • Thank you so much for the tips and advice! This is a whole new world and I'm so excited to have a fluff butt baby!

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