
Who Makes You Roll Your Eyes the Most?

From the "blocking" thread: 

"No one really annoys me but the ones that make my eyes roll the most are the ones I open first." -Anna Karina

Who makes you roll your eyes the most?

"Fvuck 'em if they can't take a joke." - Bette Midler Boom Shaka Laka Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Who Makes You Roll Your Eyes the Most?

  • I'll go first.

    Used to be LCB when I lurked. I wanted to reach thru the computer and smack her most of the time.

    "Fvuck 'em if they can't take a joke." - Bette Midler Boom Shaka Laka Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I think everyone knows my answers. 



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

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  • That's from the novel or are you paraphrasing?  Usually posts like these make me roll my eyes. I belong to another board and usually posts like these are the ones looking for trouble. And its always the same people.  

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  • imagecruelsound:

    That's from the novel or are you paraphrasing?  Usually posts like these make me roll my eyes. I belong to another board and usually posts like these are the ones looking for trouble. And its always the same people.  

    There, I think it just happened. I rolled my eyes.

    I hereby brand you a troublemaker as well! 

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  • imagealleykattz:

    That's from the novel or are you paraphrasing?  Usually posts like these make me roll my eyes. I belong to another board and usually posts like these are the ones looking for trouble. And its always the same people.  




    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • imagealleykattz:

    That's from the novel or are you paraphrasing?  Usually posts like these make me roll my eyes. I belong to another board and usually posts like these are the ones looking for trouble. And its always the same people.  

    I'm rolling my eyes at you for rolling your eyes at my post.

    So there.

    "Fvuck 'em if they can't take a joke." - Bette Midler Boom Shaka Laka Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageCinemaGoddess:

    That's from the novel or are you paraphrasing?  Usually posts like these make me roll my eyes. I belong to another board and usually posts like these are the ones looking for trouble. And its always the same people.  


    How was i supposed to know? I just saw the thread and I also peed myself laughing.  

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagecruelsound:

    That's from the novel or are you paraphrasing?  Usually posts like these make me roll my eyes. I belong to another board and usually posts like these are the ones looking for trouble. And its always the same people.  

    There, I think it just happened. I rolled my eyes.

    I hereby brand you a troublemaker as well! 

    Block it, block it good.


    "Fvuck 'em if they can't take a joke." - Bette Midler Boom Shaka Laka Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagealleykattz:

    That's from the novel or are you paraphrasing?  Usually posts like these make me roll my eyes. I belong to another board and usually posts like these are the ones looking for trouble. And its always the same people.  


    How was i supposed to know? I just saw the thread and I also peed myself laughing.  


    It was the annoying posters that made her jump in front of that train, yo.

    There are no blurred lines, only jail time

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  • ok alley.  I thought you were being serious.

    crisis averted. 



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • I roll my eyes at-- *crinkles bag* Oh no! I think I'm losing service! *crinkle, crinkle* Hello? *crinkle* Are you there? *crinkle, crinkle*
    Can you hear me now?
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  • A poster on the political board. I've known her for years now. She is the worst of religious martyrs, and everything is "You are wrong because ABORTION" or "Now you know how I feel about abortion."

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  • PB hates everyone.
  • lol @ PB. 



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • imagealleykattz:

    That's from the novel or are you paraphrasing?  Usually posts like these make me roll my eyes. I belong to another board and usually posts like these are the ones looking for trouble. And its always the same people.  

    This is amazing. It's as good as when MML said "I don't follow politics like you" when I referred to Republicans for Voldemort.

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  • I loved +aw+, Heather.  At least from a lurkers point of view.

    I think she's your KC, tho. 



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • imageHeather R:

    That's from the novel or are you paraphrasing?  Usually posts like these make me roll my eyes. I belong to another board and usually posts like these are the ones looking for trouble. And its always the same people.  

    This is amazing. It's as good as when MML said "I don't follow politics like you" when I referred to Republicans for Voldemort.

    That was the funniest thread ever. 



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • imageHeather R:
    A poster on the political board. I've known her for years now. She is the worst of religious martyrs, and everything is "You are wrong because ABORTION" or "Now you know how I feel about abortion."

    right? right.  my eyes are rolling while also bulging out of my head.  it's unhealthy.  Also, the pope.

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  • I forgot about MML. She was dumb and fun.
  • imageCinemaGoddess:

    I loved +aw+, Heather.  At least from a lurkers point of view.

    I think she's your KC, tho. 

    No, it's Vermont, not AW.

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  • imageHeather R:

    I loved +aw+, Heather.  At least from a lurkers point of view.

    I think she's your KC, tho. 

    No, it's Vermont, not AW.




    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • Cinema, for you. I swear I am not mocking MML. It was really endearing.

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  • AW goes through phases. She was a hateful hosebeast. Then she was gone for a good year and came back and was really great, like had changed her shittiest positions and just really became everything good you would expect from a Christian. She loved to talk about her faith and loved to hear about people's viewpoints and ask them questions and learn things. Then she lost her shits and started saying she didn't want to be mistaken for a Muslim.

    she is pregnant again, so she's probably on TB somewhere.

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  • Wonka. All that biitch talks about is bananas. 
  • imageHeather R:
    AW goes through phases. She was a hateful hosebeast. Then she was gone for a good year and came back and was really great, like had changed her shittiest positions and just really became everything good you would expect from a Christian. She loved to talk about her faith and loved to hear about people's viewpoints and ask them questions and learn things. Then she lost her shits and started saying she didn't want to be mistaken for a Muslim.

    she is pregnant again, so she's probably on TB somewhere.

    he's on my BMB.  She was complaining about something that gave me a headache I side eyed so hard.  I have since ignored her. 
  • imagecruelsound:

    JenniFromTheBlog, or whatever her name on here is. I canNOT STAND her use of "monster belleh" and "monster bebeh" when describing her pregnancies.

    Was she the one with the miracle bump?

    Yes. And it all just drives me batso.




    She always uses questions way too often.  "And you guys?  It was awesome.  And also? Awesome."

    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • imageanna karenina:


    serious question, why? She seems really sweet.  

    She's been snatchy to me. 

  • I like both Dangerkitty and Jenni, they are sweet and helpful.
    There are no blurred lines, only jail time

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  • imagewonkatalia:
    Wonka. All that biitch talks about is bananas. 


    Fo realz...



    DD#1 11.7.07 - DD#2 11.2.10 (3rd Tri Loss)- DD#3 4.18.12
  • EVA116EVA116 member husband

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  • imageDragonflyBelle:

    Wonka. All that biitch talks about is bananas. 


    Fo realz...



    HOLY SHIIIT!  Dude. That's a skill. I bow to her banana wrangling. Lol 

  • imagejustAphase:

    Wonka. All that biitch talks about is bananas. 

    Lol. That's when I knew I liked you 

    Haha. Thanks!  :) 

  • imagewonkatalia:

    HOLY SHIIIT!  Dude. That's a skill. I bow to her banana wrangling. Lol 


    The real question is: Would you eat it after?

    DD#1 11.7.07 - DD#2 11.2.10 (3rd Tri Loss)- DD#3 4.18.12
  • delg23delg23 member

    I'll go first.

    Used to be LCB when I lurked. I wanted to reach thru the computer and smack her most of the time.

    ditto. and Yankee. I am sure there is someone here that annoys me but nobody annoying enough for me to remember their name as being associated with being annoying. kwim?

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