Baby Names

i thought we had picked lucy

DH still loves it, but I am having second thoughts.


I guess I can't get over the fact that Lucy seems like a kid's name, not an adult name.  DH does not really like any of the more proper names associated with Lucy.  

We both still love the same Savannah (mn Rose), but my only hesitation is that my aunt told me every time she sees that name she thinks of a horse because they had a horse named Savannah. 

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Re: i thought we had picked lucy

  • Lucy is a pretty name. I know an adult Lucy and the name doesn't seem childish on her.

    Savannah is nice too (tho my vote would be Lucy) :) Don't worry about one relative associating a name with someone/something else.  My close friend had a dog named Sophie and I was concerned about naming DD that because of the dog.  We loved the name and so we went with it, now not once have I thought about that dog or has my friend ever brought up the fact they have the same name.  Your aunt will forget about that horse when a beautiful baby has the name instead.

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  • Giving her one of the more formal names and calling her Lucy is a good compromise.  That said, if you both really love Savannah and the only thing holding you back is what aunt pictures then choose it!  Who cares what she pictures?  And I bet after awhile, she'll picture you're cute LO instead.
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  • I love the name Lucy. I think it ages just fine. I have known two adult Lucys and both are perfectly lovely, successful ladies. I have never once thought about their names sounding childish. 

    I also love Savannah, although I think this name does tend to have more specific associations for people. However, I wouldn't let the fact that one person knew a horse with this name bother you. Lots of people have pets with human names. 

    Of the two, I suppose I'd pick Lucy. But really only because there's a good chance it would have been DS's name had he been a girl.  You can't go wrong with either, IMO. 

  • imageJoy2611:

    Of the two, I much prefer Lucy.

    I'd have the same hesitations as you, though - I'd want a more formal name.  However, I adore the name Lucia so it all works out.

    There are four pronunciations for Lucia; I prefer loo-see-ah (english), but the italian one (loo-chee-uh) is also good! -

    Ditto all of this. 

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  • I think Lucy's a great name. I agree that it can sound a bit juvenile just because of the -y ending, but it's nowhere near as juvenile as some of the other -ee names that are so popular these days. I would not bat an eye at an adult professional named Lucy.

    In fact, I think Savannah does not grow up as well as Lucy. There are enough adults, old ladies, and historical figures named Lucy that I can imagine it at any age, but Savannah doesn't have such an established history, so it sounds young to me. There was a fad for Savannah around the turn of the last century, but it went way out of fashion until the 1980s, so most of the Savannahs alive today are under 30. Lucy has been reasonably popular for the whole 20th century, so it seems more "classic."

  • ZimgerZimger member
    I like both of your picks. You could name her Lucille and call her Lucy.
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  • I much prefer Lucy. Don't worry about someone associating it with a pet. My cat's name is Lucy, so there you go. Stick out tongue
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  • thanks you guys!  a little reassurance goes a long way! :)
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  • Lucy is on our list, it is one of DH's favorites.  I used to fret about picking a moral formal name for it because Lucy was just a NN.  But then I realized that no one would ever accuse Mary as being a nn for Maria.  Mary is just the English variant of Maria, as is Lucy to Lucia. So why does Lucy get the bad rap?

    While St. Lucia's Day is celebrated in Sweden, in the US, and on our English language calendars it is called St. Lucy's Day. 

    Lucy is a great name and appropriate for any age.  I kind of think of it as an old lady name, but also have known enough my age that I still think it is darling for a child.

    Savannah is nms.

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  • I love Lucy, especially as a nn for Lucinda. Savannah is a nice name, too.
    I don't think you can go wrong with either name.
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  • Of the two, I prefer Savannah. it's such a cute name and allows for Anna as a nn. Lucy is nice, too.
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  • I like Savannah much more than Lucy and I kinda agree that it doesn't age well.

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  • I love the name Lucy and I don't think it sounds childish at all.

  • Lucy is #1 on my girl list right now (but DH has vetoed it, grrr!).  I think it works for child and adult.  I say go for it!

          DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13



  • Go with Savannah.  If anything they will all forget about the horse one day. Savannah is nice name.
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  • My DD's name is Lucy. I worried about this too but am SO happy with her name now. We get a TON of compliments on it and I feel like it's different without being made up. 

     Her full name is Lucia Jane 

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