Cloth Diapering

Fleece soakers?

I'm still feeling intimated by wool, and I probably just need to bite the bullet and try it, but I've heard people talk about fleece soakers. How are they? Are they even comparable to wool?
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Re: Fleece soakers?

  • I prefer wool, you don't have to wash it very often, wheras fleece will need to be washed after each use. Wool/Lanolin will neutralize the urine and it won't get smelly, which is why you can go so long between washing it.
    DS1: Wild Man born 11/28/07
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  • Yes I like wool because you don't have to wash very often. Its unbelievable to me. But its true!
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  • I have a happy heinys stacinator fleece, and several homemade ones. I'm going to do fleece longies next winter. I like that I can just wash it, throw it in with whatever, beat it up, it's cheap and I don't have to think about it at all. And i can use a fleece cover several times during the day if i let it air out between uses. Overnight it tends to smell.

    I have wool too, one etsy cover and some upcycled shorties. They work equally well in my opinion. I just hate that both fleece and wool are so bulky.

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