Hi there, does anyone have any recommendations for prenatal exercise/yoga DVD's? I already have a little one, so going out to the gym or classes isnt very feasible.
I've got Lindsay Brin's Moms into Fitness prenatal series DVDs--one for each trimester, plus the bonus "boot camp" DVD. Good mix of cardio and toning. Only thing I can't stand is that she doesn't stay on the beat! Her cueing is not the cleanest either, but every time I do the workouts, I walk away having had a good work out, so I can't complain too much. Six of one, half dozen of the other, I suppose!
Re: Prenal exercise DVD
I was just going to ask the same question! I will check Fitmom out!! Thanks ladies!
This one has nice exercises. The video itself is not fancy at all, and it's a voiceover. It is nice that she's not chatty though.