Did things get better? I had maybe a few days relief and we are now back at horrible teething. Worse than before. He is awake every 30-45 minutes and chewing worse than ever. My next thing to try is ice in the mesh feeder. I wish the teething necklace helped us but no such luck. I wonder what teeth will appear next. ToP ones? Which ones came after the bottoms for those of you with LO's that have more than the bottom two?
ETA: Does every tooth cause so much discomfort?
Re: Those with LO that have teeth
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
The 30th Me and my sis didn't get our first tooth until like 8monrhs, and she is so much like me it didn't occur to me to ask when DH it his first tooth. Apparently both MILs kids had atleast one tooth by 6months lol.
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
We have two teeth right now. They both broke through within two days of each other. Once the first one broke through, she was a completely different baby. She was agitated and annoyed for the second one but it wasn't as bad.
My girlfriend has a son who is 10 months old. She has said that with each tooth, he still has issues but it's almost routine with how to comfort him. It's almost like he knows what the pain is and understands that it will go away eventually. So for her, yes, teething has gotten easier with each tooth.
Fastest year of my life.
I don't know if there is any documentation that proves there is a correlation with congestion and teething, but I noticed E was congested before he cut his first tooth. So in our experience, yes it was a sign of teething. He only has one, so I'm not sure if it will happen with every tooth.
Seriously, we had about 5 or 6 good nights (and I'm talking really good, including two STTN nights!!) and now we are back to horrible. I think we're back to teething because he is really fussy during the day (which is rare for him) and last night was up every 90min. I finally brought him into our bed at 4am, because he had been up and fighting sleep since 2am.
I hope/pray it gets a little easier with each tooth...
With my first the first round of teeth was the hardest, they seemed to come in groups with her. After her first two teeth fully erupted the worst was behind us. She did have some pain and discomfort with the others but nothing like the first two.
Right now Adair is in teething hell as well, her two bottom middle teeth have popped through and she refuses to sleep from 7:30 -10PM and pulls anything into her mouth including her older sister's hair. I am so ready for this to be over!
Well my imaginary baby was a real pain in the a$$ last night while I was trying to watch The Bachelorette and drink my wine.
We have had a ton of congestion. I'm using saline and sucking atleast twice a day. The congestion did start a few days before we felt the tooth, but I also think that for us visiting home contributed to it. There is much more pollen and humidity here than she's used to.
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
haha, E does love to play with my nose and hair, but I couldn't imagine life without crinkly blocks and Sophie.