Working Moms

Any Moms out there w/ stay at home husband or partner?

Would love to here your thoughts and experiences! DD is almost 6 mths so I haven't been back to work all that long. DH is great but he still needs advice and reassurance from me during the's hard to try and manage things at home from a distance! And sometimes I get jealous and wish I could stay home instead. Financially it's not really an option:-( I'm grateful one of us can do it, though money is tight!

Re: Any Moms out there w/ stay at home husband or partner?

  • Hello, I'm still on maternity leave but we are considering this when I do go back in January. It's neither of our first choice and I think I'll be very envious, but we'd prefer that to daycare. I'd love to hear any advice you may have as you go through it.
  • Same! I am definitely envious but also glad that I can call and check on her whenever I want, he sends me pics, etc. I try to stay grateful that we can swing having one of us there full time, even if it's not me.
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  • My husband stays home (though I work from home). I would try to encourage him to find some support that is not you, and would encourage you to read up on what it's like for stay at home moms. We've found that my husband feels many of the things common for SAHMs (isolation, boredom, feeling under valued, wanting me to take over the moment I'm off work). We have also realized it is very hard on him to feel like he's not contributing financially. 

    My man man is a big feminist but has still fallen into society's trap of worrying about his financial contributions.

    All this said, we are so glad and lucky for our situation. He's a great father and has a great bond with our son.

    Good luck!!
  • My husband and I both work full time and watch our daughter full time. 
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