
diff. btwn a rock n play and swing

Hi Ladies-

I know this will probably seem like a silly question to many of you but as this is my first pregnancy, I am still learning about the all baby gear!

I keep hearing about swings and rock n play's and have seem them in the store....they seem pretty fact the rock n play seems like a swing but with more bells and whistles...however, I see that many people on the board have registered for 2 swings and 2 RNP's for their twins....

Can someone explain why I would need or want both...what am I missing?!



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Re: diff. btwn a rock n play and swing

  • I actually think a rock'n play is much simpler.  In order to get it to move you have to rock it is sort of a glorified bassinet that is at 45 degree angle.  It is often used for napping/sleeping or having a place to set down a baby.

     A swing often has more bells and whistles, like a mobile, music, and of course, swinging that you do not have to do (will swing via motor).  

    I think they are both for different things, the rock n play for a baby that likes a "rocking" motion more than the swinging (which was my girls until recently) and a place for babies to sleep.  The swing certainly can be used for sleep also, but is a nice break if you don't want to do the "rocking."

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  • I agree with PP that the RnPs are the simpler item. They're also cheaper, since I think my RnPs were $50-60 each but our swing was about $160 (had to have one with a plug!).

    One of the big differences for me was that the RnPs are mobile- we used them in different places within our own house as well as took them when we were visiting friends and family. We certainly used the swing a good amount (we only registered for 1, not 2), but could NOT have lived without our RnPs. Even DH says those were the most helpful baby item we used.

    TTC for 3 years. Finally successful after 5 IUIs and 2 cycles of IVF. Our amazing twins were born 5 weeks early on 8/16/11. Found out April 2012 that our di/di twins are ID.

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