
DS is not really growing at five

DS has a history of food issues.  He's extremely picky which is strange to me since he was an awesome eater the first two years and then nothing!!!

He stopped growing for awhile and dropped almost off the charts after being very stable since birth.  His weights better than height but not by much until this past year.

Ped said he's gained a pound since last year BUT has LOST 3 pounds in the past couple months.  He's growing a bit every month in height but in the past year only 2.5" and a total in the past two years is about 3.5". 

He passed all of the blood work, has been to OT, is being seen by a gastroenterologist for mild stomach pain but so far it appears that he's a little constipated and he's on daily laxatives.  Still waiting to hear about the celiacs genetics tests but since I haven't heard I'm assuming that's fine. 

Any ideas here? The docs still concerned.  More so about the weight loss than anything.

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Re: DS is not really growing at five

  • Sounds like something is up.  I would definitely keep pushing until you get an answer.
  • 2Gma2Gma member
    Perhaps he is just destined to be on the small side?  My DD who is 5 is extremely small for her age.  She eats well, and always has, but just doesn't seem to grow.  She is nearly fallen off charts as well 5th%tile.  She also deals with consitpation and has since she was a baby.  It's crazy the lengths we have to go to to get her to go.  I often worried about her growth, talked to Ped about it.  We never did any testing.  I'm thinking she will just hit a growth spurt and grow alot.  I hope your testing doesn't reveal anything serious and that our kids are just late bloomers.
    DD#1 5 years DD#2 3 years
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  • Annalise has only grown about 2" a year since she turned 3, and she's >99th for height. His height growth sounds normal.

    I think it's good that the doctors are going through all the testing just so you can rule out any diseases. It could be just that he's not going to be very tall too. How tall is your DH? How tall are you? I have a niece that's super petite, but the women on my side of the family range in height from 5' to 5'4".

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I'm average and DH is tall.  You never know though what genes he got!  Doc was concerned originally b/c barely grew at all in a year and dropped over two marks on the growth chart and he had always been consistent prior to that.  People constantly think he's a couple years younger than he is.  It's just been very frustrating all around! 
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