38 weeks has traditionally been considered as the optimal time to deliver twins since studies have shown that placental degradation happens faster with multiples. I had my c/s scheduled at 38w4d but my water broke a week prior.
Full term, however, is full term. There is no distinction between multiples or singletons. Full term for ANY baby is 37 weeks.
P.S. I'm in NJ as well!
Me: PCOs DH: Perfect!
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
With di/di 38 weeks is ideal, with mono/di they wanted me to get to 37. I made it to 35w6d and they induced me due to high BP. Our boys were 5lb7oz and 5lbs9oz and no nicu time.
My OB told me that they want to schedule for me 39 weeks, but tomorrow my OB and I are going to have a frank discussion about that! 38 weeks is all I will go.
I think it depends on your doctor and you. My doctor said that if I haven't gone into labor naturally by 38 weeks, they will induce. I am only 20 weeks now, so of course that seems a long way away!
My OB wouldn't talk about delivery until after I hit 39 weeks. At my 38w2d appt I had some issues during my ultrasound and I was induced that night had the kids the next day. My OB doesn't look at twins as different than singletons. A pregnancy is 40 weeks
Re: Is 38 weeks the best scenario for twins?
38 weeks has traditionally been considered as the optimal time to deliver twins since studies have shown that placental degradation happens faster with multiples. I had my c/s scheduled at 38w4d but my water broke a week prior.
Full term, however, is full term. There is no distinction between multiples or singletons. Full term for ANY baby is 37 weeks.
P.S. I'm in NJ as well!
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
Woo hoo Jersey gals
My OB told me that they want to schedule for me 39 weeks, but tomorrow my OB and I are going to have a frank discussion about that! 38 weeks is all I will go.