I am trying to find a few good books on twin pregnancy and raising twin babies. I've heard Dr. Luke's book discussed on here, so I did a little reading about it online.
Let me preface this by saying that I have NOT read her book yet, but from what I have read, it sounds like she promotes gaining a lot of weight in the first and second trimesters by increasing calorie intake dramatically (the theory being that you want the babies as big as possible early on in case they are delivered prematurely).
My question is, did your OB or MFM specialist agree with Dr. Luke's message? I am thinking of buying the book, but the only thing stopping me is that the "gain a lot of weight early on" theory seems to go against what my OB told me about calorie intake at our last appointment. My dr. said that I only need an extra 500 or so calories per day for twins (but to follow my body and eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full), and I was a little underweight going into this pregnancy.
Re: Dr. Luke's book
Neither my OB nor MFM agreed with "Dr." Luke's suggestions on protein and overall caloric intake, and in my first tri and part of my second I was carrying triplets. Admittedly, I never read the book because my personal opinion is she's an alarmist and her advice is based on studies she's done, not pregnant women she's treated (since after all, she's not an MD but the "Dr." part lulls people in). I read Elizabeth Noble's book and also Mothering Multiples Both contain pregnancy advice and Noble's, in particular, spends a lot of time talking about optimal health however, she is also not an MD (although doesn't pretend to be) and it tends to be a more natural birth centered/low intervention type book which I know not all multiples pregnancies are appropriate for.
On the specific topic of weight gain, it's probably best to just talk to your care providers. And then gut check what they say against how you feel. I definitely eat more protein now than I did when I wasn't pregnant which my doctors are pleased with, and it's a good thing because my iron levels have stayed high and I feel pretty good considering. But at the same time I'm really cutting back in the last couple of weeks due to heartburn and indigestion, which is to be expected giving all the baby up in my organs
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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I just asked my dr about that this week. She doesn't agree with Dr Luke and said that I'll probably gain a lot in the 3rd tri, so to keep my weight gain reasonable through my second trimester. Reasonable meaning she doesn't want me overall gaining 75-100 lbs by the end. At 18 weeks, so far I've gained 11 lbs and my dr is happy with this and the babies are doing great.
I did read the book and found a lot of good information it in. However, I'm not able to eat the amount of calories she recommends. I try to eat healthy most of the time and drink lots of milk and eat protein as much as possible. I do like how she ok's ice cream every day if necessary.
I haven't read that book, but have you seen this?
It says that by gaining 24 pounds by 24 weeks, you reduce the chances for PTL. My dr. told me to gain about 45 pounds. I haven't been counting calories but eat whenever I'm hungry and try to eat healthfully for the most part (those hamburgers do sneak in there somehow). Luckily, one of my biggest cravings has been for broccoli so I am eating a ton of it. I'm at week 20 and have gained probably 20-25 pounds (not sure of my pre-pg weight), and it was really easy when I was SO HUNGRY all the time. Now that the babies are growing though, it's hard to eat a lot bc then I feel about to explode.
My nutritionist at MFM based her recommendations on Dr. Luke's book. I couldn't believe the sheer amount of protein and calories that were recommended. However, I did come to find that it wasn't until I was eating at least 3000 calories every day (as mentioned in the book) that I finally started gaining at least a pound per week. I still haven't gotten up to the 175 g of protein every day. I usually top out between 120 and 130.
Just like any opinion, take it for what it is : a very educated opinion. It worked great for me, and I gained an amount I was comfortable with and most of it was baby.
There are many pregnancy books, but very few just on the multiple pregnancies. I really liked that aspect of it. But I got it from the library and retuned it when I felt like I got what I needed.
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017
Sounds good to me! :-)
Ooh, thanks for the link!
Yes well said! I don't think she pretends to be an MD and nor do I think that you have to be an MD to be an expert and give advice of nutrition. While I didn't completely follow her guidelines, I think the book had good info and reassured me that my weight gain was normal and healthy. I definitely trust her many years of proven research on multiple pregnancies. I am also a good example that you don't always get a 3rd trimester (or one cut very short) in a multiple pregnancy to gain a lot of weight.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
I never specifically asked my doctor about Dr. Luke's recommendations, however, my doctor told me she expected I could gain up to 60 lbs, and she would not be concerned in the slightest. I loosely followed Dr. Luke's advice, focusing on eating more protein, and gained about 40 lbs total. I had two 6 pounders at 35w4d. My doctor patted me on the back for my weight gain all along, and everyone was really impressed with their sizes at birth. So, I'm a fan of Dr. Luke's advice.
ETA: I also was a little underweight going in. BMI of 18.
Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.
my blog
What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.
Cloth diapering twins, Part II.
I agree with this, too!
I started fluffy and tried to eat extra protein and stick to the weight gain guidelines.
I delivered at 33w4d, L&L were 4lb15 and 5lb4 and everyone was impressed with the weights.
My OB is wonderful, but... when I asked her about the weight gain, she said I didn't need to worry about gaining anything in the first trimester, I'd gain it all during the second and third.
I am pregnant with triplets, so I was also sent to a MFM. He asked me my pre-pregnancy weight and height, and then said I needed to gain 50lbs and fast. He told me I'd likely only get to 32 weeks and that I wouldn't gain much after 26-28 weeks. He told me he didn't want me to eat food that wasn't high in calories- make every bite count. He also set me up with a dietitian.
The dietitian told me that I needed 2800-3000 calories a day, heavy protein. She said I needed to gain 45-50lbs in those 32 weeks.
My MFM is currently treating 7 sets of triplets, he is very experienced in the field, and happens to be friends with Dr. Luke. He 100% agrees with her research that early weight gain is best for multiples. He told me that the only things I could control were my exercise/rest and my weight gain. Everything else is up to God, so why not do your best in the areas that I have control over.
It is scary to think of gaining a lot of weight, but unhealthy babies is much much scarier.
Please don't listen to your regular OB on this, they may be great with singleton pregnancies, but MoM are not normal pregnancies. We are special and require special advice and care.