I am going through an issue with DD. Every time I try to put her cloth diapers on she screams bloody murder. She calls her disposables Elmo, (because he is on the diaper) and she screams for Elmo. She has to wear disposables at Daycare and my mom likes to use them on her on the day that she watches her.
I don't know what it is. I have RaR and it was recommended that I use All detergent on them from the manufacturer (not the free n clear) and I am wondering if it is too harsh for her skin? Her bottom never seems to have an issue after wearing one though...
Re: For those who PT Cloth (especially toddlers)
Have you let her play with the disposables while you change her? My DD screams too but she just wants to be bad, so I just let her reach for whatever she wants. Usually she reaches for a sposie (daycare) and then just lays there playing, trying to put it on, etc lol while I am changing her. When we're done with the change, she drops it and runs to her toys. Weird suggestion, but this the case with us.
DS's new favorite thing to do is to pick out his own diaper. I have a basket of cloth diapers that I let him choose from. Maybe that would help.