Cloth Diapering

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Okay, So I just bought 12 sunbaby one size pocket diapers with 24 inserts. I only bought 12 because I want to see if it is something that we will like before I go and buy 24 diapers. ANYWAYS, doe anyone have personal experience with sunbaby diapers, good or bad? Also, we use all free and clear detergent, is that okay to use on the CD? I have read to use a quarter of the amount you would normally use, but is that detergent okay?

Help! (: 


BFP #1 July 4, 2011 Baby girl born Feb 22, 2012!!
BFP #2 December 17, 2012 MMC January 24, 2013
BFP #3 April 7, 2013 Baby girl born December 11, 2013!!
Amelia has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. She has had 3 open heart surgeries, 1 g-tube surgery, and one tracheostomy. She is the strongest, most precious little fighter. 
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Re: New to this

  • I have 6 subaby's and love them. No complaints here. I use country save so can't speak to the all free and clear. Ive heard some people use it.

    I had one snap break on my sunbaby and she is sending me a brand new diaper. That's service!

    Hope someone can answer your detergent question.

  • stahlopstahlop member
    We also use Sunbaby's.  We have 12 of them.  I like them.  I haven't had any problems.

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  • Thank you ladies, so much! I am beyond excited to get them!


    BFP #1 July 4, 2011 Baby girl born Feb 22, 2012!!
    BFP #2 December 17, 2012 MMC January 24, 2013
    BFP #3 April 7, 2013 Baby girl born December 11, 2013!!
    Amelia has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. She has had 3 open heart surgeries, 1 g-tube surgery, and one tracheostomy. She is the strongest, most precious little fighter. 
    You can follow her at.
  • PBear93PBear93 member
    I've heard that All Free & Clear is not good on cloth diapers as is causes them to repel.  

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  • OP a lot of people love using Tide Original Powder on their CDs. You can also use the EFF recipe to make your own omitting any scented ingredients.
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