So my campus offers free yoga classes to students, and I am going to be attending as of tomorrow. I have comfortable clothing that I can move in but I don't know if I'm supposed to wear shoes?? If you've ever taken a yoga class, what kind of footwear, if any, did you/other students use? TIA!!
Re: What footwear for a yoga class?
Me:27, DH:28 - DX: MFI, varicocele repair Nov 2011
Post-Op SA: Count- 15 million, Motility- 75%, Morphology- 3%
IVF with ICSI - Stimming 10/4/12 - 10/13/12, Lupron Trigger
ER 10/18/12, 12 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 5 fertilized
5 day transfer 10/23/12, 3 frosties
Beta #1 11/5/12: 453, Beta #2 11/7/12: 1,013, DD born 7/19/13
Definitely barefoot! As the pp mentioned, they do make special yoga socks (form-fitting, including individual toes and they have grippy stuff on the bottom), but you certainly don't need them. (If you care to purchase, Target even carries them.) Barefoot is the standard way to go. Enjoy your class!