Am I the only one that is just feeling down during the 2ww? I don't even want to go for my beta on Friday... The whole thing just feels like a bust. Is this normal?
36 DH 33 TTC for over 3 yearsFirst mini-IVF Sept 2011... Only 1 egg! ... BFNSwitching REIVF#2 May 2012 9 eggs and only 2 sperm, WTH! BFNIVF #3 March 2013~Tesa with back-up Donor Sperm,Tesa, unsuccessful used DS~
Chemical Switching RE's within practice
2 frosties waiting for us, November 2013!!!!! Transferred 2 "average" blasts 11/20/2013
BFP!!!!!!! Boy/Girl Twins!!!!!! Due 08/08/2014
My Blog
*~God gives his hardest battles to his toughest solders. Unknown.
Re: 2ww negativity
Baby boy Henry born 2015.
Expecting our capstone baby (boy) early March 2018.
From what I've seen on this board, it is normal and it sucks. I had a very down day after my first IVF and was usually feeling positive.
I'm sorry you're down. It's hard to feel hopeful sometime.
Have you been POAS? Depending on your personality, it can help to have some warning ahead of time.
TTC #1 since 1/10
DX: Unexplained/??? MFI issues
Our lil' lost sparks:
5w3d loss 7/30/10 - EDD March 2011
8w loss 4/15/11 - EDD November 2011
8w3d loss 8/2/12 - EDD March 2013
4w c/p loss 10/29/12 - EDD July 2013
Long story: trying on our own + testing testing testing with 6 rounds of Clomid, more testing, injectables + TI, laparoscopy - one tube blocked, 2 IUIs with Follistim...BFNs.
RPL testing all normal, Karyotyping normal
Moving on to IVF.
IVF #1 April 2012 = BFN, IVF #2 June 2012 = BFP. U/S 7/23 = saw heartbeat but measuring behind. Follow up U/S on 7/30 - no heartbeat. D&C 8/2. Trisomy 12. IVF #3 Oct 2012 = Chemical Pregnancy
Phone consult with CCRM on 12/12/12 - ODWU 1/4/13 - both tubes clear(!) - AFC 24, AMH 3.2, FSH 9.6, LH 5.4, E2 25. DH has high frag rate but improved!
IVF #4 March 2013 CCRM. EP protocol w/ Menopur, Gonal-F & Dexamethasone. ER 3/29 & IMSI, PICSI. 43R 13M 10F 6blasts bio'd. CCS testing reveals 3 normals!!!
FET 5/31/13 of 1 4AA blast - thawed and expanded. 4dp5dt BFP.
Beta 9dp5dt = 181, 11dp5dt = 427. 1st u/s showed a healthy heartbeat! EDD 2/16/14
After 4 years of hoping and heartbreak, our sweet little bean was born on 2/19/14
We are so in love with her.
"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it."
Everybody is welcome!!!
This! It is definitely normal to question and feeling down about this process. I started feeling really down on Friday and starting questioning if this cycle was working which is why I POAS and obviously it helped. However, my last cycle, I knew it failed about a week (due to lots of bleeding and a couple of BFN) before BETA and by the time the BETA came around, I had come to terms with the failed cycle.
IVF #2 w/ ICSI: ER 5/8 9 eggs retrieved 8 eggs fertilized; ET 5/13 2 transferred 1 frozen; BETA #1: 1,197; U/S scheduled for 6/11-TWINS!
It's totally a coping thing... prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
You're still in this, so don't give up yet! You've done everything you can and hopefully that can bring you some peace.
Normal I think. It is hard to feel positive when you have been let down before...It is a defense mechanism. I really hope you get some good news on Friday! Good luck to you!
P.S. I am in the same spot right now and getting my beta on Friday also...not all that excited about it either
First mini-IVF Sept 2011... Only 1 egg! ... BFN
Switching RE
IVF#2 May 2012 9 eggs and only 2 sperm, WTH!
Switching RE's within practice
*~God gives his hardest battles to his toughest solders. Unknown.
This....I've totally been in this phase for the last 3 weeks.
Good Luck, stay strong...
Me = 39 DH = 50 TTC (since 01/2009 after a short break, I stopped counting *cycles* in 2010)
DX 2010 : Unknown Infertility , AMA
HSG 2005 = Normal / HSG 2010 = Normal
SA 2005 = Normal / SA 2010 /2012 = Slightly low count : motility, morphology GREAT!
Chromosomal analysis, MTHFR, ANA's, Lupus, Protein C, Protein S, APCR = Normal 2011
M/C : 2005 (7wk), 2010 (6wk), 2011 (7wk)
8 IUI's 2010-2011 all BFN
IVF/ICSI antagonist 01/2012 #1 = BFN
IVF/ICSI antagonist long 06/2012 #2 = BFN
IVF/ICSI/CGH MDLF New Clinic/New RE 11/2012 #3 = One beautiful boy blasty frozen PGS normal
IVF/ICSI/CGH MDLF 02/2013 #4 = One more beautiful boy blasty frozen PGS normal
FET 6/20 : One 5AA PGS normal transferred Beta 1 6/28 = 53.9 / Beta 2 7/1 = 220 / Beta 3 7/3 = 550!
1 U/S 6w3d - Heartbeat 119 / 2 U/S - 7w5d- Heartbeat 169 / 3 U/S (OB) 8w5d - Heartbeat still great!
Baby G welcomed into the world 3/7/2014
SAIF / PAIF always welcome ****
I know how you feel - I have been "willing" myself to feel crappy thinking it might be "pregnancy symptoms". At this point it is more lunatic symptoms because my transfer was just Saturday. It's sometimes hard to stay positive because in a way you are practicing self preservation if in fact it doesn't work out. In short it is an emotional roller coaster.
Hang in there and try to stay positive - maybe POAS if you think it would help you? ((HUGS))
TTC #1 Since 8/2010
Me: 34, DH: 35 DX: DOR (FSH 14.9, AMH 0.67, AFC ~10) and Egg Quality
IVF #1 Feb 2012. MDFL protocol w/ Met. 7 ER, 0F.
May Donor Egg IVF cycle:3 EF, 1 blast ET 5/12, 2 frosties
BFP 5/21! beta #1 5/22 306 beta #2 5/24 818 beta #3 5/31 15,038.
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian." --Dennis Wholey