
Low platelets - any advice

I had to deliver at 34 weeks 4 days due to atypical HELLP. Currently Owen is still in the NICU because his platelets are low. The dr said she herself was frustrated because she can't let him go until this is under control, but she's not sure what they can do for him. I want him to be in the safest place possible, but I feel like we're stuck.

Currently his platelets have ranged from as low as 34 to as high as 92 (thousands). They gave him IVIG today in hopes that it would bring it up, but as of yet they have only decreased. Tey are hoping to see 2 consistently high readings tomorrow. If that happens we can go home, but with regular follow-up care. They may still decide to administer another round of IVIG. I hate it because he is knocked out today. It's obviously very hard on him. I'm not sure it's the right course of action, but I'm not sure what is... and neither are the doctors. They are consulting with a pediatric hematologist, but she hasn't had much to say either.

Has anybody experienced this? Did it resolve, or is it a lifelong issue your child has to deal with? The longer it goes on the less likely I think this is just an isolated event that will resolve. I just feel so guilty that he has this issue and is starting his life like this. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

12 dpo: HCG = 184 Progesterone = 34
14 dpo: HCG = 529 Progesterone = 24.6
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Re: Low platelets - any advice

  • ashk7ashk7 member
    My DD was born at 31 weeks and she had low platelets. Do they know why he has low platelets? She had them because she was so early that her body couldn't make them on their own yet, while doing everything else to keep her little system going. They gave her two rounds of platelets through her pic line. The first time they came up and went back down, higher then her lowest before platelets but still below what the normal range should be so they gave her some more and that brought her up and then she started producing on her own, she has ever since. She has no long term effects, the only thing they kept an eye out for was incase she became enimic. She was born march 6th and it was resolved by the end of the month. Good luck and I hope this helps!
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  • If you haven't yet, check out the forums on  

    There used to be a forum there (I would assume it still exists) for parents of children of all ages with platelet issues - very supportive with lots of information (at least it used to be).  I used to frequent their other forums about 12 years ago when I had 2 relatives with ITP ... just one of the platelet issues that are out there.

     I hope that his platelets increase soon!!!

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  • My DS was born at 34/3 due to IUGR. His platelets were down to 26, I believe. They related it all back to the IUGR. His platelets eventually rebounded on their own. They told me that they wouldn't treat him, unless he started showing signs of excess bleeding. I hope the platelets stabilize soon, so that you guys can get home!
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  • I work with adults with low platelet issues. When IVIG doesn't work we give decadron. Not sure if this would work for your little one but it may be worth a shot. We expect to see some change related to the IVIG at 24-48hours in adults. Goo

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  • I work with adults with low platelet issues. When IVIG doesn't work we give decadron. Not sure if this would work for your little one but it may be worth a shot. We expect to see some change related to the IVIG at 24-48hours in adults. Good luck

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