Ugh! Dh and I absolutely cannot agree on a name. We currently have 3 girls, Lindsey (my sd), Aubrey (bd) and Brittany (sd). LO Is a boy and we are thrilled!! A couple years ago we decided if we got pregnant we'd name our son Asher Lee (Lee is my deceased father). Now that it's a reality Dh jumped ship! He also felt if we are going namesakes that he would incorporate his besffriend who passed last Nov, Hunter. Hunter Lee sounds great but Hunter is wayyy to common here and due to personal circumstances I don't want LO called name to be Lee. Since we're back to drawing board we agree on *nothing*!! I'm starting to feel DS may not be given a name until preschool requires it
Re: No. Middle. Ground.
Personally, I think a deceased father has a million times more claim to a namesake than a deceased friend. I'm sure your DH means well and wants to remember his friend, but using your child is not the way to do that, especially when it was already agreed upon that your FATHER would get some kind of remembrance.
As for a first name, I agree that the name Lee tends to make every name sound like it ends in "-ly". However, how often will your son be called by his entire name? Graduations, when you're really mad at him, maybe his wedding? In the long run, I don't think it's a big deal.
Other names to consider (although Asher is a fantastic!):
Congrats, and good luck!
This. Leo Hunter sounds really good together. What a nice way to honor them.
I *love* this suggestion, although Leo can't be used as it was the name of a dog I owned.
I love so many of these suggestions (Asher is still one of my faves too!) Dh however is being more difficult. No kidding aside when I suggested Mason he got stuck on Dixon as a MN. When I suggested Easton he wanted Weston as MN. :face palm:
You're right about the namesake, I just don't know how to tell him that without causing hurt feelings or resentment