LGBT Parenting


Okay, so our surro (T) had her first appointment with the RE yesterday and it went very well! She had some blood work done and an ultrasound (the PA said that her ovaries look young for her age, which is such a nice complement ;-).

They are going to do a HSG next week, and once we get results on that and all of the bloodwork I'll go ahead and get the vials shipped to her clinic. So we should be able to do the first cycle next month! I'm super excited!

The other awesome news is that her insurance is going to cover almost everything as far as monitoring, etc. The only thing it won't cover is the IUI itself, but that's not a huge cost.

I'm so excited that things are moving! 

IUI #1 (50 mg clomid and ovidrel) - BFN
IUI #2 (100 mg clomid and HCG trigger) - BFN
IUI #3 (Gonal-f and HCG trigger) - BFN
IVF #1 - 21 retrieved, 20 mature, 15 fertilized (ICSI), 2 d5 blasts transferred, 8 frozen - c/p
FET #2 - BFN? c/p? Either way no baby
FET #3 - No shock...BFN
FET #4 - BFN :-(
Surgery and TTC cancelled - pursuing surrogacy
7/31/12 Surrogate got a +HPT!!!! BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Update!!!

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