I have a really common and pretty boring name, I've always wanted a more interesting name growing up. So now that I am having a baby girl, I wanted to give her something unique. The name we have is Kaya/Caya pronounced Kye Ah. This is a pretty common name where I am from originally. The other name on my list is Calin, pronounced Cal in, with the nickname Callie.
DH loves it and doesn't want to think of others but I am on the fence because I know that people make judgments just based on a name alone. So what did you think at first about the names we picked out? And what do you think about unique names in general? Just looking for some opinions, thanks!
Re: What do you think about Unique Baby Names?
I like Calin with the nn Callie. I think that is really cute.
I have heard of Kaya/Caya, but I only have seen it spelled Kaia. My neighbor has the cutest little girl named Kaia!
I prefer Calin/Callie if you want my vote!
I love Kaia, I am hearing it more though, with an array of spellings to go with it. I don't really like Calin, but I do like Callie. I also love Calista, Calliope, Calla and Carissa.
I love unique names when they are real names with proper spellings and not when it's just obvious mommy and daddy wanted them to stand out and either invented a name, mooched two names together or just changed the spelling of a name.
I think there is a difference between a unique name and a yooneek name- unique being a legitimate but uncommon name, youneek being a name or spelling the parents made up because they wanted their child to be unique. Unique is fine by me, but I side-eye made-up/yooneek names.
I like Kaya and think it suits the unique criteria- it's an established name but isn't very common. I don't like Calin as much- it blends right in with all the Kailyn/Kaylee/Kylie/Kinsley/etc names that are really trendy right now.
I'm generally not a fan of unique names. I think it just makes it hard on kids... I had a really good friend growing up named Alden (girl).. she was constantly asked where her name came from, how to spell it... etc. It annoyed ME to hear her tell the story over and over and i know it bothered her.
I prefer Kaya of your two choices. To me, Calin is a boy name. And at first glance, i think it's a misspelling of Collin. I don't like it at all. Especially for a girl.
I like both. I disagree with PP, I would pronounce Kaya like Ky-yah. So...not everyone would pronounce it KAY-a.
I might pronounce Calin like Cale-lyn but how about Callen?
IMO if you want unique, don't go with Kaia. It is getting more and more popular, and giving it a different spelling doesn't change the name.
I LOVE the name Callie! I prefer it as a nn but think it can stand alone, and is way better than Calin.
I have to agree with a pp that pointed out that Kaya (with any spelling) is actually trending towards popularity these days.
Calin doesn't work for me at all... it sounds like a boy's name and fits right in with the trends for boys and also resembles a lot of girl names.
I think unique/unusual names are great as long as they aren't a burden to spell or completely made up. As you research names, I would look up their rankings to see how popular a name is and if it's trending up or down to help guide you (as well as any alternate spellings of the name).
I prefer Kaya. I think it's pretty and unique.
I really like the nickname Callie, but I don't care much for Calin personally.
But, as usual, I'll say that if you and DH love the name, then you should totally go with whatever you love.
I am 100% on board for more unique names. We have very specific criteria for names, and not being in the top 100/200 is my #1 criteria. I love the name Kaya. We also liked the more popular Kaia, but wanted something a little different, so I was leaning toward Kya. I love this name, but have decided if it is a girl we are going to go with Ayla. I think it suits the "more unique", but still easy to pronounce/say. I would be just as happy sticking with Kya though, both are beautiful. We also considered Kyla if that interests you.
I do think Calin could sound a bit like a unisex/boys name, I would tend to like the more feminine names.
Ditto. I'm not a fan of Calin.