Baby Names

Getting there!

Boy: Remi - no middle name picked yet

Girl: Evelyn Jacqueline (pronounced Jacque-leen, family name)

Thoughts?  Suggestions?

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Re: Getting there!

  • Remi is very feminine to me. I would make sure the mn is very masuline.
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  • imagejessimomma:
    Remi is very feminine to me. I would make sure the mn is very masuline.


    The girl name is very pretty.  Yes

    TTC #1 Me: 30/DH: 35
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  • imagejessimomma:
    Remi is very feminine to me. I would make sure the mn is very masuline.


    Evelyn is nms, but pretty.

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  • I don't like Remi especially for a boy. It also sounds incomplete to me.

    Your girl name is fabulous to me!

    Also, seems your boy and girl names are very different naming styles?

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  • imagehmr22:

    Remi is very feminine to me. I would make sure the mn is very masuline.


    Evelyn is nms, but pretty.

    Agree with all of this. Evelyn Jacqueline is a bit of a mouthful but how often will you say them together? 

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