Eric, Hilary, and Whitney all bring to mind performers. Ian is the only name on the list that I like. I slightly prefer Hilary to Whitney, but I do think of Hilary Duff and Hillary Clinton.
Married to my best friend 6/5/10
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
Ian is very nice, Eric is totally 80s. I'd start over with girls names, totally agree with pps that they're very dated. If it has to be one of them, Hilary, because Hillary Clinton seems like a better namesake than Whitney Houston.
Eric and Whitney. I can't believe people think Eric is dated/80s. Eric was my great-grandpa's name and I've always thought it was classic. It's a common Swedish name (we are Swedes). Does anyone know who Eric the Red is?
Ian, just because I like it better. But Eric is nice too.
I guess Whitney, but I don't really care for either of them. Hilary and Whitney sound like members of the preppy girl group at a high school in the 80s. They have Aquanet in their lockers and wear sweaters tied around their shoulders.
Ian is the only name of the 4 that I would consider...the other 3 are all so dated, they scream 80's.
agree 10000%
TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages.
Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011.
I vote Ian, but like both Ian and Eric (for some reason, Eric does not sound too 80's to me). I actually know a lot more Ian's born in the 80's and 90's than Erics, so as much as I do like the name, it does sound a bit trendy to me (especially with Liam so popular now).
I'd pick Whitney over Hilary, but I agree that these both do sound a bit dated/associated with current celebs that don't necessarily up the attraction to the name.
Eric and Whitney here...Eric is my brother's name...and I find that it is just a nice name...not too out there but not super common. I have just always loved the name Whitney.
Chemical Pregnancy 2001, Married 8/8/09, TTC April 2011, BFP 5/8/11, Missed M/C @ 9wk5d, D&C 6/21/11 BFP 11/13/11 Chase Everett born at 29wks 0 days on 5/7/12 at 2 lbs 14 oz, 14 1/2 inches long.
Re: 2 boy names, 2 girl names- which ones are best?
I prefer Ian and Whitney.
Eric and Ian are both fine but Ian sounds a bit more refined.
I consider both Hillary and Whitney a bit dated, but I find Whitney to be less dated.
Boy: Ian. Love this name. Classic but not old-fart, and definitely not over-used.
Girls: Sorry, don't like either of them. I dislike the idea of naming my kid after living people and/or dead pop stars.
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
Eric, Hilary, and Whitney all bring to mind performers. Ian is the only name on the list that I like. I slightly prefer Hilary to Whitney, but I do think of Hilary Duff and Hillary Clinton.
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
Exactly what she said.
I like Ian better than Eric.
I don't really care for Hilary or Whitney but Whitney is better IMO.
Love Ian
Wont pick a girls name....i dislike them both.
Ian, just because I like it better. But Eric is nice too.
I guess Whitney, but I don't really care for either of them. Hilary and Whitney sound like members of the preppy girl group at a high school in the 80s. They have Aquanet in their lockers and wear sweaters tied around their shoulders.
Boy: Ian (less common than Eric)
Girl: Not crazy about either Hilary or Whitney and I don't know why.
agree 10000%
I vote Ian, but like both Ian and Eric (for some reason, Eric does not sound too 80's to me). I actually know a lot more Ian's born in the 80's and 90's than Erics, so as much as I do like the name, it does sound a bit trendy to me (especially with Liam so popular now).
I'd pick Whitney over Hilary, but I agree that these both do sound a bit dated/associated with current celebs that don't necessarily up the attraction to the name.
Ian & Whitney!
I just don't care for Eric or Hilary, there is nothing wrong with them just nms.
Eric and Hilary.
I know boatloads of Ian's and Whitney's, so to me, those names are a bit overused.
I like both boy names, but definitely prefer Ian. That would be a top choice for me, but it doesn't work with our LN.
Not a fan of either girl name.... in fact, I don't think I could pick.