Food Allergy

MSPI question

DD has sever eczema - her pedi diagnosed her with a MSPI based on that.  I have since eliminated dairy and soy from my diet.  She seems to be getting better -- but she is still very itchy and sleeps really bad.  I have a cat and a dog in the house and I wonder if she is allergic to other things besides milk and soy.  I'm thinking of taking her to an allergist to get checked out.

My question is... with they do the skin test on a baby this young?  I would really like to know for sure if it's really milk/ soy causing her problems or if I need to eliminate other things from my diet/ house.  any advice would be great.  TIA

Just to add ... she started out with baby acne. By the time she was 1 month old the baby acne started clearing and the eczema was coming out... the eczema just got worse and worse until at her 3 month apointment the DR. mentioned the intolerance to dairy is likely the cause. 

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Re: MSPI question

  • DS had MSPI, but only gasto symptoms. He didn't have any testing done until around 11 months, when we thought he reacted to eggs(it was a blood test).

    How long have you done the elimination diet? It can take up to a month to clear both systems.  Have you cut out all hidden dairy and soy, as well?  

    I am not sure about an allergy to the dog and cat, but I am sure the allergist can address that with you.


    Good luck!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • If she has MSPI it will not show up in a blood test.  A true allergy will. Our allergist did a blood test to rule out a true allergy.

    How long have you been dairy and soy free?  It took me a full month of being completely free of both dairy and soy for my daughter's stools to start returning to normal, and for her sleep to start improving.  She had eczema as well, but it wasn't terrible.

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