My LO is still not sitting on her own, so we have to bring the car seat into restaurants. I have personally never flipped the high chair for the car seat to go on top of it...but my question is do you think it's ok to do that?? We are going to a crowded restaurant tonight for my SILs bday so I bring the stroller is not ideal! Thanks in advance!
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Re: Flipping over high chair at restaurants?
DD1 Feb 2010
DD2 Sept 2011
we did it all the time before DS was sitting on his own and it's never a problem. The car seat fits perfectly.
I agree. I would not flip the high chair over and put the car seat in it. I would pass the baby around or try to wear LO.
Yep, me too. I usually placed it where no one will be walking back and forth around him. Some restaurants' chairs actually are made for this (I think it's IHOP? The chair transforms into a car seat rest).
It's more of a PITA to pass your kid around, IMO.
Some restaurants have a sling made especially for carseats, and others have high chairs that ARE designed to hold a carseat.
Honestly I don't see how either is any safer than flipping over a regular high chair, any of the three options can easily be knocked over by someone walking by, it's not like they are anchored into the ground or anything.
Not sure what restaurant you are going to this evening but the majority of the ones in my area have infant seats which are designed to hold the car seat.
Wow, I didn't know there was a certain seat you had to sit in if you had a baby. In my experience, wherever I sit LO reaches and grabs whatever he can. I've always got my eye on him but sonetimes he doesn't manage to get something he isn't supposed to have and I quickly remove it. Honestly, for me it's easier sitting on the edge of a booth because then I can make a quick exit with LO if needed.
OP, I've done the flipped over high chair and sometimes it's obvious that it's not safe and I would just put him on the floor. Ssometimes it fit really well and worked the same as a sling. I think all high chairs are different.
I had never used nor seen a sling like this until I was in Florida and I found it more unsturdy than the upside down high chair. We opted to just hold LO at th IHOP because I was too afraid that it would get knocked over.
If it is made for a car seat with straps that go though the seat belt area I see no problem with it. If it is busy I would also make sure little one is also belted in like in the car in case someone does tip it over. Also not under where the waitress moves food.
I have used one that wasn't made for it but the restaurant wasn't busy and I kept a close eye on it and took him out if he started to get wiggly.
Usually it was just me and dh so I asked for a booth and put the car seat between the table and booth on the inside.
I agree, I used one and pretty much kept my hand on it the whole time because people/kids were walking past brushing up against it and it was not very stable at all. I've used the upside down high chair once and have no idea if it was made for that. I imagine it's the same thing as putting it in the cart seat- just because it fits and may even click, doesn't make it safe.
OP- just use your best judgement on this one.
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
When LO was smaller I always just flipped the high chair upside down. I never saw a problem with it, the car seat fit perfectly.
I am convinced restaurant high chairs are death traps. We tried the flip over thing once and it just seemed really unsteady so we just put the seat on the floor (it was a very spacious restaurant and we were next to the window).
Now, that DS is old enough to actually sit in the high chairs I tried one out and within 5 minutes he was grabbing the side and rocking back and forth and almost tipped the chair over! restaurant high chairs for us.
DS sits on my lap at meals
Me too! I know someone that their 10 month old is still carried in places in the infant seat (and he's 23 pounds). I lost my LO in the infant seat at 5 months.
Wow, some of you worry about things I have never even considered....
OP, just wanted to throw out there that some carseats don't fit in the high chairs flipped upside-down (ie:Graco Snugride 35, the one we have). I wish it would have fit, because we go out to eat a lot, and it has been a hassle having to put the seat next to me on the booth or chair. The Koala Slings pictured above have been the best, I thought, since you can strap the carseat into it and they have always been sturdy for us.
For what it's worth, we have one of the high chairs that clamps on to the table, that we take out to restaurants with us. I'm a bit nervous of restaurant high chairs because my LO is pretty squirrelly and likes to throw her head back while eating (yeah, that's awesome).
BFP: 7/5/10 EDD: 3/13/11 Miscarriage 8/1/10 at 8 weeks
BFP: 10/30/10 EDD: 7/7/11 Born 7/11//11 7lb12oz, 20 in.
BFP: 7/30/13 EDD: 4/9/14 Born right on time on his due date! 8lb10oz, 21.5 in.
Awesome prophetic fortune cookie: Love is a present that can be given every single day you live
Don't do it!! I did once when DD was a week and a half old and relatives flew in to see her. It was OK while we were all seated, but after dinner when I went to get up, I bumped the chair and noticed that it could have very easily tipped over! Never did that again.
This made me feel better. I've never even heard of this. When she was still in the carrier, we just took the carrier inside and requested a booth. We never had any sort of issue.
7lbs 13oz 20 inches long