I feel like all DH and I do any more is talk about girl names! The middle name will be Jean after my mother. Here is our current short list:
Catherine (Kit) -- This is the newest name to be added to our list. It is DH's grandmother's name. I love Catherine, but I think it's way too common to go with Diggory (DS). But a post from a little earlier reminded me of the NN Kit, which I used to love when the American Girl doll came out years ago.
Some considerations: Is it weird to use the NN Kit with the Catherine spelling vs. the Katherine spelling? Even though we would hardly call her Catherine, is it a bad idea to have such a common name for one child and an uncommon name for another? I looked it up and apparently Kit is also a boy's name, although I've never heard it used on a boy. Is that a reason to scratch it from the list?
Re: Our short list plus a new name!
I like Catherine with the nn Kit. I don't think using the C spelling is a big deal- Kate is a common nn for Catherine and it's nbd to use the K instead of the C there. I think it works fine with Diggory too- even though Catherine is popular, Kit isn't a common nn for it these days.
When used on a boy, Kit is usually a nn for Christopher. Pretty sure Christopher Marlowe was called Kit in his day.
I think Katherine is a lovely name and Kit is just spunky and unique enough to balance out with Diggory. Plus, she will have a formal name to fall back on should she want to. I also think Diggory and Kate sound adorable even though I know Kate is more common than Kit (but it's such a sweet name!).
That said, as much as I've always loved the name Katherine, I am stunned at how incredibly common it is (I didn't know many in grade school but have since met so many, I confuse them all the time, not to mention the spelling variations. It's one of the few classic names I just can't use due to over-saturation in my area).
Kit is really cute. What happened to Petra?
I went from loving Piper to being meh about it. Now I'm back to 'like' lately. And I think Lana is pretty.
I love the name Catherine, and while Kit is NMS, it is a cute nn. The only Kit I have known was a female, short for Christiana and she loved it.
Out of all of your choices, Piper is my favorite.
1/12/13 DD was born
4/9/16 DS was born
9/17 CP
6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19
I decided the band association was too much for me. It's kind of a joke with our friends how much he loves the band, and I think I would feel silly introducing our daughter as Petra. Thanks for the feedback! I feel the same way about Piper.
I think that if you are going to use the nick name Kit then you should use the spelling Katherine. That is why i go by Kat instead of Cat. Because my name is spelt Katherine not Catherine.
Now i also LOVE the name Piper and i wanted to use it for a girl name. Then i got introduced to the tv show Charmed. So even tho i love the name have all the way through high school if i were to use the name Piper then my fam would thnk i was just doing it cuz of Charmed. But i still think taht it is a very beautiful name.
I love Catherine nn Kit! I worked for a man his daughter was Katherine nn Kittie and I just adore it! I don't think the C to K transfer is that big a deal. I know of a few Katie's with full name Catherine, so its not unheard of.
I am fond of flow between sibling names and I think Catherine/Kit and Diggory do sound well together. I think if you named your daughter something uncommon just to go with your son's name it would be awful.
My second choice would be Sadie. Lana is just okay and Piper doesn't sound great to me.
If a royal can do it so can you.
I still love Lana. But I really like Kit as well. My friend has a little sister that was Catherine but actually was called Kitty when she was younger.
TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07 IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN IVF # 1-BFP
TTC#2- FET 4/7/11 BFP, Natural mc 5/5/11 IVF#2 ER 9/13/11, ET 9/16/11, Beta #1 9/27/11 BFP 254 Beta #2 9/30/11 793 -Twins!
?Diggory and Kit are pretty darn adorable together.
?I think Catherine/Kit works fine.
?Catherine Jean is a lovely name.
I love love love Sadie- if this were a girl, it'd be Sadie (my Great Grandmother's name).
I hate the "that name makes me think of a dog" argument- lots of dogs have people names. Abby, Zoey, Maggie, Oscar, George, and Bella are all names of dogs in my neighborhood- it doesn't stop people from using those names for their kids.
I know I'm in the minority because BNB is laaaame in their opinions on it, but Piper is by far my favorite of the bunch. It sounds great with your son's name; it has that same, sassy, interesting flair that Diggory has.
I like Catherine and I like the family connection, but I'm so over the name. I do think it's a little too common with Diggory. I like Kit, though, which is a totally legit nickname for Catherine (either spelling).
Actually, I think Diggory and Kit (full name--ZOMG, stop the presses!) make a great sibset, and I doubt anyone would think Kit is a boy (the name is uncommon on both sexes, but the American Girl connection and the general feminine quality of the name will make most assume girl).
I love Piper! In fact, I loved it so much that I gave it to my puppy before I was knew I was pregnant (kicks self). It would still be on the list had I not done the aforementioned.
Honestly, if I'm being real, any of the names you mentioned will be so sweet with Diggory. Great names!
I love the Catherine spelling first of all. I don't think that Kit is weird with it at all, I just watch a League of their Own last weekend and that's the main girl's name. I think it is all girl personally.
I also like Piper.
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