Eco-Friendly Family

Remind me again...

of the importance of buying natural diapers? I know CD would be the most ideal, but if you use disposable, why use the more expensive "natural" choice?

I spend a lot of money on diapers and when I see the deals I can get on other premium brand diapers from Amazon Mom, I question myself.

Have actual studies been done showing that these chemical filled diapers are truly bad for your child? Can their skin absorb enough of the toxins to truly be harmful? I think I just need to be reminded that it is worthwhile to spend the extra $.

Re: Remind me again...

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    I always thought it had to do with the way that they compost more than safety.  Perhaps I'm off the mark.
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    When we were traveling I used disposable diapers and I chose the most natural ones I could.  While I'm not positive that the chemicals in diapers could harm DS, I do know that there are a lot of cases of cancer out there and we don't know what causes it.  I can't help but think that the constant exposure to chemicals (from diapers, cleaners, soaps, detergents, air-fresheners, plastics etc.) could be contributing.  I also can't help that we are dumping these chemicals into the land fills where they soak back into the land.
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    If you want some ya go:

    "convenience" and "cost" are big drivers (which is funny because cloth is both cheaper, healthier and more convenient imo)...but sometimes you have to invest in your own (and your child's) best interests. Diaper companies aren't required to disclose their component parts, but we know there are dioxins which are proven to be carcinogenic, we know baby skin and lungs are fragile and absorb what's in their environment, Tributyl-tin (TBT) - a toxic pollutant, absorbant acrylamide causes cancer in animals and may cause nerve damage in humans, according to the World Health Organization, a September 1999 "Archives of Environmental Health" study reports a link between the use of disposable diapers and asthma...and it goes on.

    The diaper company's own studies all say their products are safe...but they are trying to sell you diapers and no one is paying to look at the long-term, cumulative effects of all these chemicals in our bodies. At least the more "natural" products avoid some of the chemical and petroleum products.
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    EcyEcy member

    Thanks ladies! I sorta forgot the whole landfill aspect of it all!

    I try to be eco-friendly for the most part but sometimes (when it comes to baby items), I get overwhelmed with some of the expense & lose track for a moment.

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    They have done studies on it, I wish I still had all of the links because I did a TON of research while I was pregnant.
    I wasn't able to CD from birth like I wanted to because we did not have a washer and hand washing was just not working out with everything else that went into having a newborn. I do want to say though that my LO is just find and we used Pampers which IMO are horrible horrible diapers but they worked for us... *blush*
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