My friend is due with her first on Tuesday. Tomorrow she has a checkup appointment, and told me that the doc is going to "accidentally" break her water so that she can get in for an induction. Otherwise they couldn't schedule an induction until Thursday night. I wondered if anything was wrong, but she said she's "just done being prego".
HUH? Is this kind of thing common and I'm just blindly oblivious?
Re: Has anyone heard of this?
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
The "accidentially" part sounds odd, but breaking the water is one way to induce labor if the other conditions are right. A family member actually had this done in her doctor's office and then went home because she was having a homebirth and needed to be induced.
?Sounds more like her doctor is willing to induce her and since she can't get on the schedule when she wants at the hospital he's getting things moving so that they have to take her.?
My doctors have made a big point to tell me that the American board of obstetrics does not recommend delivering a baby before 39 weeks...I scheduled my C-section 2 days before that b/c of Christmas but I am having a C b/c I already had one and my doctors recommend it. You could also tell they were fine with scheduling it 2 days shy of 39 weeks but that they have to "warn" you.
My guess is that the hospital will not induce before a certain point and that this is the only way the doctor can do it. Sounds insane to me and a huge risk of mal-practice for the doctor. I would think that the chance of needing a c-section if you induce early would increase. And man when my water broke in the hospital (on it's own after pitocin) it hurt like hell, I would hate to have that pain in the doctor's office and then have to get to the hospital.
She's full term. Sounds like her doctor is trying to be accomodating. And it doesn't sound much different from stripping the membranes which is very common now.
It is odd though. Everyone is 'done being prego' at that stage.