During the c/s my OB commented how thin my uterus was and that she was almost to the point of having difficulties stitching it up. I am 4'11" (I guess not that it makes my ute any smaller...) and had a 9lb 2oz baby and then 11 months later had a rcs with an 8lb 8oz baby, but polyhydramnios which made me even larger than before. So I knew my uterus would be stretched out farther than a lot of peoples'. We're up in the air about ever having a third, but it's been irking me about whether I'd even be able to. Obviously I'd talk to her first and was going to ask at my 6 week apt., but I'm just curious if anyone else has encountered this and what your OB said.
Re: Anyone told their uterus is really thin?
I was told this at my 2nd c/s. I am currently 19 weeks pregnant. I asked in detail at my 6 week followup what it meant. THey suggested I wait a good 2 years before having another baby...it will be a few months over 3 years when this baby is born.
They also said the baby will need to be delivered via c/s by 38 weeks the latest so it doesn't rupture on its own.
After baby #6 (all c/s) I was told that by my OB as well. Like the PP my OB told me that the longer I waited the better it would be for both of us. Given that I have had 6 I'm sure that my uterus is thin, and this for sure will be my last one.
Basically you are at an increased risk for uterine rupture, this is why the absolutely will not let you go into labor. In addition it is harder for them to close you back up, and you are at a higher risk for a hysterectomy during delivery.
Every women and every body is different, so there is no hard and fast rule as to why someone is thin after one, and others it takes multiples. Regardless, it is never something anyone wants to hear.
Hopefully your OB is one that you feel comfortable talking with and you feel comfortable with his advice. I have has a few that were just awful, my last one was a dream. I know it may not seem like a lot, but it really does make a difference. I always need to know why, and what ALL of the risks and potential complications are, and I want my OB to be able to tell me that without sugar coating it. That made me feel like I could make the best decision for me and my family. Because the last thing that I want to do is to put my health and life at risk on some bad advice from my OB.
Hope this helps!