

Thanks re: the advice.  I'm sure we'll end up taking him in.

Being a WOHM you have to plan this stuff, you know?  SO frustrating.

And I saw the pics of M yesterday as a ladybug, that costume (and M too, of course) was way cute!!  Hope you guys had a good time TOTing.

Re: Neeser

  • Hey, I am sorry L isn't feeling well! I agree that I would probably take him in, if for nothing else just for your peace of mind. Better to catch it at the start than after it has progressed. Is J home? I hope L starts feeling better soon and it is just a cold or something of the like. D- M was adorable. I will look at the whole album tomorrow
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Thanks R -- yeah J is home but leaves again midweek, so I'd like to kick it before then, if possible.  We'll see what they say...hope you guys had a great halloween! :)
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  • I would have written more but i have a toddler terrorizing my office.  omg.

    I think it's worth the co-pay to check it out...esp. b/c of work and getting other kids sick at dc.  it does suck doesn't it?


    oh and thinks to you both on M's pics.  it was a great night.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
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