Cloth Diapering

Recommend your Night-Time CD Favorite

I have been CDing our now 8-week old, and it's going well - except our inserts for night-time make her diaper HUGE!  I tried the inserts in the next sized diaper up, and she couldn't even bend her thighs!!! :(

What have you all found that works well for overnights? 

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Re: Recommend your Night-Time CD Favorite

  • Try a microfiber insert with some hemp or bamboo under it.  Hemp and bamboo are much thinner than microfiber and they absorb more.
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  • I use a Kawaii Good Night Heavy Wetter stuffed with a microfiber insert and a Joey Bunz premium hemp insert. His diaper is definitely big, but it seems to work well. Good luck!
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  • Night time diapers are big. If you want them to last 12 hours, they get big.

    We started with just a MF insert, I think. Then I added a hemp doubler, and now I use 1 MF, 1 hemp doubler, 1 bamboo insert. It's big. It's not good for moving around. It works.

  • kms34kms34 member

    My friend loaned me a Swaddlebees Econappi and it was amazing overnight!  I ordered one and will be ordering more.

    In the meantime, I'm using a OS RaR with one microfiber and two super thin bamboo inserts and a wool soaker as a back up. 

    * DS1...allergic to dairy, peanuts, eggs and turkey *
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  • BLM10BLM10 member
    Thirsties AIOs with their Fab Doubler. BUT I didn't start CDing til 7m or overnight til 10m.
  • Right now, we are using a GMD yellow-edge PF, trifolded around a Thirsties hemp insert, with a fleece liner on top inside a PUL cover (Thirsties, Flips or Bummis).  It's big, but it works.

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  • During the early weeks, a KL0, then a KL0 with a hemp insert, and now Monkey Snuggles or Twinkie Tush (and wool).
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