I've been thinking about it for awhile, but wasn't sure if I wanted to do this. I have finally come to the conclusion that I need other mommies in the same boat.
Thanks to the lousy economy, when I was 20 weeks along with my precious first babies, we were forced to move from New Orleans to a itty bitty town in the middle of nowhere Arizona. I had to leave my family and friends to a place that hasn't been the friendliest. At 27 weeks, Baby A decided he wanted to go ahead and come and I was shipped to Tucson for 15 days, two and a half hours away from where we were living. Thankfully my mom and dad were visiting when it happened! I was sent home on strict bed rest except for a bi-weekly trip to Tucson - which became painfully difficult - only if my mom was able to stay and take care of me full time - i have a GREAT momma!!
Babies were born healty on June 16 at 37 weeks, the day before hubby and my 5th anniversary. Ian was 6 pounds, 11 ounces, Olivia 6 pounds, 9 ounces and not one minute in NICU. Very healty and very blessed.
Mom went home when they were 8 weeks. I've been on my own since with virtually no help. I'm stuck in the house most days because there isn't really anything else to do around here. I have to do shopping at night because none of the store accomodate mothers of more than one child. It's been lonely out here.Hubby works long hours. I don't have mommy friends, much less mommy of multiple friends. I miss NOLA desperately. I just feel blessed that I have two beautful, healthy, active almost 10 month olds. But the human in me gets lonely. I can't even talk to my friends at home beause I would just cry because I miss them so much. I can't post on FB becuase I've been told that because I miss home and my friends that I'm an ungrateful mom. Most days it's just me and the babies. I LOVE that. I do need some adult interaction!! I hope I'm not a bother...
Re: Newbie
Sorry about the rough time, congrats on the healthy babies though! I'd check out the city bump board for your city and also look to see if there is a MoM group in your area, or even just a play group of any kind.
good luck!
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017
I second Mars724! Check for a play group or MoM group--meetup.com is one resource that might help you find something, also try reading time at the library (assuming your town is big enough to have one)--you might meet some other SAH or WAH moms, or you can contact some of the local churches to see if they have anything going on.
We are expecting to be in your same circumstance right after our babies come--DH's company is talking about moving us cross country (from Tx to Ohio). Which gets us "closer" to family...but doesn't get us anywhere near people that we know that can come by for a chat or to help out. No fun at all...
Hi and welcome! Sorry you're feeling isolated. We are far from family and DH and I shared a car till the boys were 10m old so I remember feeling house-bound during the day. One thought if you do want to get out and shop during the day: Could you wear one baby in an or similar Ergo carrier and put the other in the shopping cart? That's what I did when shopping at stores without double carts, or I'd do a trip for just a few items (still helped break up the day!) and use the stroller. You can get mommy clips or similar to hang a bag or shopping basket from the handlebar.
I also agree with looking on meetup.com or similar for mom groups, trying library story time, etc. Hopefully with the nicer weather here (or coming, depending on where you live) you can also at least start getting out for walks.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Thanks ladies!
As for MoM groups, there are some in Tucson, but that's almost three hours away. There are no groups here. This town is in the middle of nowhere! A lot of people that live here have been here so long that they are not that open to outsiders and the rest are lab and mine workers that are too busy. Overall, people are not that friendly here, I've tried. I did check the library and they do have a story time so I may start doing that. The lab hubby works for is in works of moving to Tucson so being back in civilization will help - i do know there are groups there.
As for who made that comment, it was someone I worked with that was simply jealous and didn't mind making jabs at every chance she got. She's had several miscarriages and never able to have children. She had a chance to adopt a baby girl two years ago but chose soon to be hubby #3 over the baby and said he already raised his kids she wasn't going to put him through it (although, I'd think he'd want to help her realize a dream, but...) I would just simply put "I miss my friends and family" and she actually told me once that she wouldn't care if she was alone in alaska as long as she could have a kid - some people dont have that chance you know. I don't know where saying I miss people translated to being ungrateful for my precious babies! I have dealt with some down times - I'm doing this virtually alone in a strange place with no resources. I miss my city with so much culture as well as so many friends that rejoiced in my pregnancy that I tried for a long time to achieve and they haven't even gotten to meet the babies! I just wish I could share my joy. Sorry to ramble on so much - don't get much adult interaction!! Lol! It's just nice to be in the company of others that have double blessings!
I'm from NOLA too, but living in Austin, TX now. Oh, I miss it so much! It's one of those towns you have to live in (or really be from) to appreciate and understand it! People that aren't from there just don't get it. Luckily, Austin is a very progressive town, with lots to do with young children. Even so, it's hard to be a SAHM of babies. Would you be able to put them in some kind of MDO program or preschool when they're a little older? My girls are 16 months and starting preschool 3 days a week in Sept. and I'm counting down the days. That sound bad, but I need some alone time! I wouldn't change staying at home for anything, but it does seem isolating at times, especially with twins. As far as the shopping thing goes, the stores here are very accomodating for more than one kid (double grocery carts, etc.), but I still do a lot of shopping at night, just to be alone. So don't worry, you're not alone on that one!!
What about a Gymboree type class to help you meet other moms? Or maybe just hang out at your neighborhood park more often. You'd be surprised how many times you might see the same mom there. On a totally random side note, I met a couple of moms through Craigs List as I was buying some baby gear from them. One I met when I was buying something for my DD, and then another I met when buying something for my twins (she obviously has twins too). We talked a bit and seemed pretty similar, so we've kept in touch and even do playdates. Sounds weird, I know and everyone makes fun of me!!
Hang in there! This message board isn't exactly interaction, but it helps a little. There's always someone to vent to on here, and always some interesting comments to read. Good luck and know that you're not alone in your struggles to find company. We all go through that at some point. Hopefully it will get better when your babies are a little older.
Welcome to the group.