We've been waiting with our agency for nearly a year. Just now filling out papers to renew and we got THE CALL on Thursday. Birth mom chose and is due next month. There is some legal risk with the 2 potential birth fathers but we are all in. We meet tomorrow and I'm SOO nervous. This is our 2nd adoption but already so different than our first.
We are very familiar with the undpredictability of the outcome of being matched. Our son's birth parents changed their mind the day after he was born and we had been matched with them for 6 months. Thankfully they changed their minds again when he was 7 days old and TPRs were signed. We are over the moon about him and can't wait to give him a brother or sister.
Good thoughts/prayers for us this next month? Thanks guys!!
Re: Matched and excited/nervous...
after several m/c, DD#1 born 7-7-08, more m/c and failed IVF, started adoption process March 2011, matched Oct 2, 2012, DD#2 born 10-31-12
Hope Wait Pray Adoption Blog